[img]http://rs980.pbsrc.com/albums/ae282/XxChikaxX/Decorated%20images/gun-1.jpg~320x480[/img] Name: Kuro Vargot Age: 18  Gender: male Species: Kludde (basically a shape shifter but always larger than the original animal and always black with blue flames around the neck and in the eyes) Powers/Abilities: enhanced hearing, durability and physical abritutes Items: A small, blue fang that is a necklace in human form and chains wrapped around his body with blue flames in any other form. History: He perfers to keep silent about it because it involved him killing his whole family 'on accident'. Crush/Relationship: N/A Friends/Family: All of them are dead Other: He tends to shout 'Kludde! Kludde!' When flying, due to instinct.