[hider=Outfit][img]http://ak1.polyvoreimg.com/cgi/img-set/cid/129070328/id/UpKeUJsP5BGm__c8DXURzQ/size/l.jpg[/img][/hider] Leah sighed as she stepped out of the vehicle. She stuffed her hands into her pockets before looking around her. Her eyes stopped on the looming building. "Ugh, why am I here?" She mumbled under her breath. Oh yeah! She had nothing to do. And she was not going to play Dungeons & Dragons again. She's been playing it for 24 hours straight. She then looked at all her other friends before settling her eyes on Chad. It was his bright idea after all. She then noticed him run for the building and decided 'Whatever'. She was not running unless she had to. Because of Chad? Nope. So, she began walking calmly into the building after Chad. Her strides long as she walked with confidence and purpose.