Janine was almost amused by the sight of the guys charging into the yard and to the lobby, as she walked to the trunk of the car and opened it up. "Oh don't worry Apple, they get tired of it at some point." Janine said to Saoirse, leaning her head over the opened trunk to just make sure she was even around and Janine just wasn't talking to herself. As she grabbed the grocery bag she had stuffed her drinks for the night, she slammed the trunk shut and locked it, yanking the door few times to make sure it kept close. It was at that time Janine took the first look of the actual hospital and its size. It was quite impressive, since the town they lived in wasn't really as big as this hospital would seem to make. "...Guess we better get in there before we lose the sight of those guys completely. Last thing I want to do tonight is being on search patrol whole night long." she said, before walking casually for the hospital and to the lobby, the clinging of the bottle in the plastic bag covering the sound of her footsteps in the dark.