[b]Boomstick - Central Park Apartments[/b] Modya leaned back on the park bench she sat on while waiting for the bus transit, raising her arms into the air to stretch and giving a long yawn. It had been a long day with very little occurrences, nothing really had happened save a mugging that she easily stopped, leaving the mugger tied up at the entrance to the police station with a note. Right now she was not even in characters, just regular Modya with a pair of leather gloves and a sweater to hide her tattoos. She had plans to meet some friends for Korean bbq up town but had to text them that she would be half hour late since she missed the 6:30pm bus. "God things have gotten quiet lately, no villains going around threatening the city." she sighed, not having a good fight for several weeks has left the young teen superhero very bored. Looking upwards at the blank sky, spotting a helicopter flying over head, it had not markings so she assumed it was a private vehicle, not uncommon with all the rich corporation owners who lived in this city. She didn't even notice as it swooped down low to a building not far from her and dropped off someone without even landing, the teen more interested in flipping through internet pictures on her phone while she awaited the bus.