[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/mAGf0qT.png[/img] She swore she never sighed, and huffed so many times in her life, of all the things to be stuck with, while everyone else in the damn school went to have a grand old time on their little field trip, she was inevitably stuck with the menial task of guarding the grounds, with some other unfortunate soul. Not only did the thought not appeal to her, but she almost found herself unwilling to get out of bed, if only Lexion hadn't called her. The little dork (or rather [i]big[/i] dork) called out of concern probably, he was like the over-caring mother that nobody wanted, that she somehow ended up befriending. She would never admit that Lexion was the first person in which her judgement fell through, when she expected him to be callous in some regards, or even greedy, he always thought about others first, and that legitimately scared her, to be faced with someone who didn't match her cynical expectations in any way. In a strange sense that was what made it so easy for them to become friends, it was also the reason why he was pestering her so early in the morning to report for duty. She held the phone close to her ear, while strapping on her boots, and hte rest of her apparel. [b]"You sound far too eager to get this thing underway Lex."[/b] Lexion paused for a moment on the side of the line, before Niorin heard some shuffling, then the snap of velcro, for all she knew he could have been adjusting that huge ass sword he carried around. [b]"I'm not excited or anything, just wouldn't want to be late."[/b] the softness of his voice was even apparent through the phone, Niorin noted this as she maneuvered her foot around in her boots to make sure they weren't uncomfortable or anything. [b]"That sounds exactly like you..[/b] she murmured as she stood from her bed, and pulled her jacket closer to her chest. [b]"Anyhow, It seems I've been paired up with shark dweeb.[/b] Niorin could hear an audible gasp from the other side of the line, and she half-wished that Lex was being sarcastic, knowing him it was probably serious. [b]" Hey, that's mean, at least try to remember your partners name, and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't like you calling him a dweeb."[/b] Niorin cracked her neck, and her face distorted into an expression of annoyance at Lex's complaining. [b]"It's not like he could hear through walls or something, anyways, I gotta head out. Maybe we'll see each other later. Aren't you paired with that one guy? ah...what was his name? Whatever, Doesn't matter he's not my partner. I'll see you later."[/b] She ended the conversation before Lex could object and ask her more menial questions that she had no patience to answer this morning, her mood was already a bit above frustration so she wanted to get this over as fast as she could before Lex started annoying her more. She looked around her room inside the small refrigerator, and pulled out a fresh tuna sandwich and put it inside her pack, probably something she was saving to eat for later. Breakfast wasn't really on her mind right now. With her bow and arrows set behind her, and her bracer on, she headed out of her room. It wasn't long before she found herself in the middle of the hallways, and found a few students, who like her; had been roped into the cafeteria incident and tasked with this job, Her ears twitched to listen in on the variety of sounds around, the most important being that of the patter of rain outside, the appearance of which made her hope her partner wasn't planning for their patrol area to be anywhere outside. Lucky for her, it wasn't long before she saw him, it was a miracle she even remembered what he looked like considering her nature, she stretched her arms out and put them behind her head before stopping a few feet away from him. [b]"Well...I'm here, we might as well just get this over with."[/b] She sized him up for a moment before speaking again. [b]"I'm Niorin, though you've probably heard of me already right? You can call me Nio for short but I might not respond. I didn't really catch your name when they put us in a group so do you mind telling me?"[/b] --- [img]http://i.imgur.com/XouQ7bD.png[/img] He stares at his phone in concern when Niorin hangs up, but's it's totally expected he supposes. [i][b]"That damned feline demon[/b][/i], it's early in the morning, and Lex can already hear Adena talking to him, usually the demon keeps silent until Lex returns from a normal school day. Suffice it to say, his voice is actually growing on Lex, but not in the way he would have liked it to. [b]"That's my friend you're talking about there.."[/b ] he mentioned, as he adjusted the straps of his sheath across his chest.[i][b]"I understand, but she is painfully pessimistic, I often wonder how the two of you even became acquaintances. Even more, how you've avoided telling her about me, if anything, she's probably the one who understands my nature the most."[/b][/i] Lexion sighed for a moment, this could lead into him explaining how he needed Lex's body, how they should become one as planned. [b]"Please, now's not the time, I'm probably late."[/b] he interrupted before Adena could get another word in, the demon grumbled and then remained silent as Lexion ventured out of his room. It had been a tough few years growing into his size and weapons, for one, he wasn't nearly as tall, or even as strong 2 years ago, and it seemed that the intense training he put himself through supplied much of what made up his current self. Even then, he was still not the best fighter, clumsy, and often times too forgiving or careful with his blade, he was often bested by many a warrior at the academy, no matter how much he physically trained, he was mentally stunted by his morals, which were too frigid to begin with. At first glance, many would assume that Lex easily made up the small batch of students in A class, but his skills would quickly show that he could be incompetent at times. He was definitely planning on changing that, even if his mental state wouldn't allow it. He had to to survive, and he'd rather not return to his small family with nothing to show for his time spent at the Academy. Not to mention his last name usually brought about fear to those who knew his relatives, the demons that ruled the criminal underworld single-handledly, that also made it difficult to make friends of any kind, People naturally assumed that he wasn't to be messed with not only because of his stature, but the wrongdoings of his family. The thought of these things bared down on the young man, and yet he still kept positive despite it all. Maybe it would be a surprise to people that he thought about these things often, even Niorin who often thought he had more of a one track mind than anything else. When he found himself in the middle of the hallway, he suddenly wondered just where his partner would be. He knew that they were similarly built, though other that he didn't know much about him. Searching around he could see other groups who were probably in the same predicament, knowing that seeing two or more people meant that they were paired together, and with a few assumptions about where students were assigned to watch, he correctly guessed the that the balcony was probably being guarded as well. From there, he found his partner, he approached in a bit of a panic. [b]"Sorry, I must be late...anyhow, it's nice to finally meet you, everything happened so fast a few days ago with the whole cafeteria incident."[/b] he leaned a little ways to take a good look at the window, and the rain that was pouring out of the dark clouds. [b]" Looks like it's going to rain, that's too bad...I would've brought an umbrella if I knew"[/b] He stared back at him. [b]"I didn't get your name before, I'm Lexion.[/b] he figured it was better to start the small talk off with that than ramble about the rain, the last thing he wanted to do was seem as if he talked endlessly. [/center]