Chad was happily throwing himself over stacks of pallets, weaving between rusted drums and peering up at the oppressing mass of the structure when he heard Chel utter something downright bizarre. He stopped, and frowned at him in a state of deep confusion. "Doesn't that question answer itself, dude?" He asked. Something rattled ahead; the sound of metal clattering against metal. Chad shot a glance towards the hospital, and fumbled for his flash light. With a click, a bright white beam cast itself from the lens and illuminated the several glass windows of St. Helen's lobby. The two large doors were rattling against the chain that held them together. For the first time, Chad felt a feeling of unease, and a shiver climbed its way up his spine. With a slight tremble, he shone the torch from left to right, and studied the menacing shadows. Not wanting to lose face, he promptly shrugged. "Sure is creepy, this is gonna be fun," he half lied, and walked steadily towards the rattling doors. "Odd, I don't feel a breeze strong enough to be moving these fellahs." Just as he went to place his hand on them, they abruptly stopped moving. He was jolted by their inaction, and then released a long sighing whistle. "Alright, now that was a little creepy, must've been er a current or something coming from inside." Though the door had been firmly locked by the chains, the panes in the woodwork had been smashed through long ago. With feigned courage, he ducked low and entered.