"By the way, watch out where you throw your bolts. We don't want a forest now do we? heheh" He said as he prepared another gravity proxi arriving vulcans soon. "For a guy that's afraid of caves, it's quite funny since we're pretty much protecting one. I'll just try and hold them off on the ground, while if some make it through make sure you zap them. I don't think they're up for negotiation if they think we're taking their kids as hostages." Wes ran forward ahead to see if he could hold any vulcans back. There he met a mob of vulcans stampeding towards the mountain hut and running without a thought of slowing down. "This could work, gravity proxi, right punch!" Thrusting his fist full of concentrated gravity directly at a vulcan, thus allowing Wes to transfer the gravity from his fist to the vulcan and pushed it back with great force, causing some behind it to tumble over. However, some had already passed Wes seeing the babies in the hut as more important. "No, gravity push, kick!" as he lifted his leg and swung it towards the passing vulcans and slammed them to the side of the mountain. But since gravity push is weaker than proxi, some vulcans were able to shrug the hit and continued up the cliff while a few others in front of Wes tried to continue to pass him. "Angelo, you better hurry with the ones that passed me, quick!"