"Well.....That could have gone.....smoother." Said a strange man who had been laying in an alley way and was struggling to stand up. "Can't dying just be pleasant once?" He picked up a small broken, piece of glass and looked at his reflection, "Welp...could have been worse." He saw that he had a long face and brown shaggy hair. He ran his hand through his hair to make it look half way decent. He looked down at what he was wearing and chuckled, "Well, I am quite the sight!" He was wearing a torn, burnt, ragged pair of slacks and a white under shirt that was,well, no longer white. The man stumbled out of the alley and winced at the bright sun. "London....21st century..." He walked a little further and fell a bit before getting his bearings, "Well...time to learn what kind of a man I am." He ran off down the street. What ever had killed him, still needed to be stopped. And with no help, The man would need all the time he had.