Chad walked around the lobby, polishing off the first of his beers with practised ease. The circular glow of his torch darted one way, and then that, as he started to read the innate graffiti left behind from previous gatherings. Most of it was just jumbled nonsense, or pornographic absurdities concerning a 'Rose' and 'Dave'. As his light crawled over the eastern wall though, a large ugly black scribble caught his eye. Walking up to it, he read the words aloud slowly. "You're already dead," he said, and then laughed. "Well, looks like that's it folks, we're goners. Make peace with God and all that." A slow rumble emanated from deep in the structure, sounding oddly like expanding metal. Chad almost jumped at its suddenness, but then settled. He'd been around old buildings before, his mom was in the property business and he'd accompanied her on several tours. It was just some of the pipework, straining with age. "Alright, let's say we go find somewhere a little less crack den, and a little more party pad?" He proposed.