Devin Royal (Vitruvian Man) - Secret Base of Leon & Vetruvian - Enteracting with L.I.S.A. Devin found himself uneasy over how quickly he got comfortable in the large room. Even when the lights hadn’t turned on he swiftly walked across and found the chair set in front of the massive screen. When he sat down the room seemed to jump awake with the screen turning on. A moment later there was a calendar on screen and events being highlighted. Several involving the company known as STAR Labs. “Enough L.I.S.A.” Devin said in an angry tone of voice. “I didn’t come down here to humor whatever notion you have of me putting on that costume again. If you have information on a crime you were ordered to forward the information to the police anonymously.” Devin started to stand up in frustration. He was angry for several reasons, the foremost being that he hadn’t stepped foot in this base in years . The other reason being his distaste for talking to a computer with no body other than the hardware behind the screen. “I am afraid that the police will be unable to assist in the apprehension of this organization. The police do not arrest their own.” Where a power play pause would normally have helped bring home the severity of this comment computer AIs don’t have the personality to add them. As such LISA simply continued. “The targets have over an 70 percent chance of being at or around the age of minors.” Devin wasn’t so emotional to let this fact be brushed aside. He turned back to the screen and began to study the events and information that was displayed on the screen. It showed massive sums of money being moved along with questionable employment records. Even a few crimes coinciding with missing evidence. It was very similar to something Devin and countless others in the detective world had seen. It was a cover up. “Why reach out to me now?” Devin inquired. “It has been nearly a two years since you reached out with your creepy coded emails. You have evidence dating back almost 9 months. You wait until now to let me know a government funded program has begun to hunt down those with powers?” the entire conversation had switched from an inquisition to a straight forward conversation. Even if he wasn’t aware of it Devin had seemingly returned. “To come at this enemy in the early stages would be unwise.” LISA stated. “If squished early it will only be rebooted with more fever and drive. Your father was the one who helped establish this practice. You keep them limited and when they act you make it public.” “So they are in motion?” Devin had a level of worry in his words. “How can you tell?” He moved along the side of the wall and pulled a tool hanging from the wall. A hidden drawer opened next to the lever revealing the Vitruvian costume. While he began to put it on he listened to LISA explain her reasoning. A helicopter I have been tracking has no recorded flight plan, but has been traveling in restricted airspace leads me to conclude they are enacting some sort of maneuver. It could be something else; however, since there is no data trail I am blind to its purpose. That is why I called you.” With his outfit and tools fitted Devin caught a glimpse of himself in a reflective piece of metal. The weight of what he saw hit him like a ten ton punch. Sadly his armor was useless to this type of attack. A wave of memories started to bombard his thoughts and surely enough he felt his hands start to shake. He was unstable, unfocused, and unprepared. Even one of those prefixes could spell disaster for him and he was charging ahead with three firmly attached to him. “The likely target is known as Boomstick.” LISA said. Her volume had gone up. Perhaps in an attempt to center Devin before he left the bunker. “Last known location is Central Park. Estimated destination is a bus stop five minutes away. Should take you no more than ten minutes to reach. The subway line will be here in two minutes.” The last bit was a giddy up from LISA that Devin followed. The roof of the garage started to open exposing the railtracks just above the garage building. Using his grapple gun he waited till he heard the screech of the subway brakes and then fired. The line shoot upward and the claw clamped down on the metal tube. Quickly as he fired his own body lurched upward as Devin was pulled along. A quick pull of the trigger again had the line retracking and with a somewhat awkward rolling move Devin was on top of the subway train heading towards downtown New York. “Good luck” LISA said over their earpiece communication.