[b]Breakdown- Roof of apartment, a block from Central Park[/b] Dave was trying to relax after several incidents with obliterated cooking wear. While he loved having super powers, like a lot, it was still hard to get used to basically living in this suit. He had forgot to put on the gloves again and when he touched a box of mac & cheese it disintegrated, which made him panicked and touch several other things and culminating in destroying the only paper towels left. While Sarah, a assistant/ house keeper his father hired to help him, went to get more to pick up the mess, Dave went to the roof and has been there for about fifteen minutes. There was something calming about the roof. The heat didn't affect him like it did others, it was a vague awareness that came with all of his other senses... except sight and hearing. Why those stayed mostly the same was completely lost on Dave and had stumped his father before he had to get back to actual work, something about a weapons contract with Lexcorp. With a little sigh, Dave looked down towards the street below. Looking at the cars as they drove by for a couple minutes, idly noticing a helicopter fly over. However, seen one helicopter, seen them all. As such it didn't pique his interest. Not wanting to feel any more sorry for himself than he already was, Dave wrote a note for Sarah and went on a walk to Central Park. It always had a calming effect for him and he could sure need that.