Having Korra's support was great. Bolin couldn't ask for anything else but to see that bright brilliant smile of hers. He couldn't help but feel a bit more proud since she was supportive of his new direction in life. She nudged him as they discussed Korra's training that had taken place a few hours ago. [b]"You'd think training the Avatar would be nerve-wrecking but it's like we're just friends, having fun and bending to push ourselves. In fact, it's probably better we're not doing anything too serious. I don't think I could be very strict but hey, becoming a cop will help me improve in that end huh."[/b] He said, thinking back to Tenzin's hardships when it came to getting Korra to air bend. From what he heard, nothing worked until she relaxed and began to pro-bend. After Tenzin headed off, leaving Lin in a huff, Korra snapped out of her daze. [b]"Huh?"[/b] He blushed a little out of old instinct perhaps. She said something which didn't make a lot of sense to him before she let go and moved over to the slightly agitated older woman. Lin was muttering something under her breath about how Tenzin was being ridiculous and treating her like a helpless child that she didn't take note of the Avatar's suddenly realization. Lin kept her arms folded as she looked down at Korra, already mentally drained for the night. [b]"And what might that be?"[/b] She asked. Korra then entered the Avatar State and pulled her down, pressing her thumb to her forehead in a similar way Amon had done in her freshest of nightmares. She stood up and uncrossed her arms once it had ended. She could feel her bending, it was back. A very broad sincere smile came to Lin's face as she looked over at a speechless Bolin. [b]"Watch it, I can still destroy you with my finger, kid."[/b] Lin warned though her mood was already soaring high. [b]"Thank you, Avatar Korra."[/b] She bowed her head. [b]"That. Was. Awesome. So Awesome!"[/b] Bolin cheered and hugged Korra and then tried to hug Lin but she quickly used her earth bending to push him away with a flurry of rocks and sand. The boy shook the dirt and dust off him, still grinning. [b]"Wow, I can't believe it."[/b] He was quite happy for a fellow earth bender to get their bending back of course. But he was also happy for Korra who seemed to be getting the hang of things. He was hopeful that this would be a new beginning for everyone. Tenzin soon appeared and Bolin ran back to the girls. [b]"You won't believe what Korra did-"[/b] He began to say before Lin smacked him in the back of the head. [b]"Ow!"[/b] He whined and glanced between Lin and Tenzin, not sure what was going on. [b]"Let's go."[/b] Lin suggested and headed for the dock, putting a hand over her mouth to hide her smile. She was impressed with Korra. If she was still the brat she first met, Korra may have not given Lin her bending back without wanting something stupid in return. And yet she did it like an adult would. Lin hoped Korra was maturing and listening to everything Tenzin had to offer, he had wisdom and Korra needed that more than anything else. She couldn't believe she had her bending back, it was an incredible feeling and she felt like she could bend anything! Tenzin seemed curious as to what Bolin was on about but when they got back to the boat, Lin brushed Tenzin off as they headed back to the mainland. She would show off her bending soon enough. Just act normal. [b]"You think since she got her bending back, she wouldn't need Tenzin to take her home."[/b] Bolin noted and put his hands behind his head and looked back at the house, it was time for bed. [b]"You think she would want him to though? Doesn't sound like her."[/b] Women were complicated and he didn't waste any more energy thinking about it. He wasn't sure what else to say. The day had been a good one. Long, but good. He thought about Mako and how he was. He would hopefully see him the next day after he met up with Lin. [b]"Anyway, night Korra. Good job today!"[/b] He waved and headed off to the male section of the housing so he could get some sleep. Pabu would surely be waiting for him, after having explored and frolicked around the island while Bolin was busy with Korra and Tenzin's family. Meanwhile, Lin and Tenzin just got off the boat after a silent ride across the bay, her trying to her hide her smile. She wasn't sure what to tell him. He probably wanted to know what she and his wife had been talking about but it wasn't any of his business. Lin Bei Fong did think it was sweet, but still annoying, that he wanted to make sure she got home okay. Even with her bending back, she couldn't help but be a little selfish and want his time and attention focused on her. After all, before Korra crashed into the city on a whim, Lin and Tenzin didn't see much of one another. That was how life ended up for them, after every fight, kiss and inside joke. Was it so horrible to find it hard to go back to avoiding one another? With any luck, things would go back to the way they were and she wouldn't have to think about him as much as she had been lately. He had his family and now she could get back to work. As they came to her front door, she moved from his side and turned to the door. She fished her key out and paused. They weren't teenagers anymore, time had made fools of them both. [b]"Thank you for dinner."[/b] Lin told him and put the key back away, not opening her door. [b]"I'm glad you...and you're family are safe...and happy."[/b] Lin smiled and bent the earth to create a a thin cylindrical platform to push her up to the third story of her home. [b]"Night."[/b] The woman gave him a wave and jumped into her own window and turned on the light as the earth made pole then turned to a light dust which the wind blew away. She could remember sneaking home in the dead of night after making trouble around the city with Tenzin, bending earth but Toph still figuring it out, so of course Tenzin would need to be the one to help them sneak around. Those days were so long ago but now they were so fresh in her mind. She got to bed that night and had a good night's rest, happy to have her bending back. When she woke up, she put on her uniform with pride. Lin headed down to the headquarters, knowing that Bolin and possibly even Korra would be down at city hall where the police headquarters were. She grabbed a quick breakfast from a street cart, happy to support local hard working people, and decided to go by foot, rather than use earth or metal bending as transport. It also served as a way for Lin to check out what still needed to be done. A lot, in all harsh honesty. But now she could actually do things with everything instead of just part of her. She went into the back of the HQ and was reinstated without question. The rest of the week went by smoothly, much to the Chief of Police's surprise. The city began work on rebuilding and Mako decided to join the police. She went to work to train the batch of new recruits but due to the city in dismay, most of the training had to be done on the job, in the field. Bolin was picking up the trade rather well. Mako was too, though he had a handicap since Bolin could eventually learn metal bending and join a special squad. At the moment, Lin was finishing some paperwork. It was a slow Saturday evening and everyone was getting ready to head home. [b]"Good work you two."[/b] She said as she walked over to her office. Bolin gave a salute and nudged his brother, just glad to have Mako around again. [b]"Hey, I hear Korra and Asami are at Crest Bakery, we should meet up and make sure there isn't some fight about to break out."[/b] He laughed. Though he was concerned about the two women, he was sure they could find a way to bury the hatchet. Both Korra and Asami were proud women but also kind. In the morning, Asami had been paid a visit by Korra who suggested they have a real face-to-face talk. Asami agreed and the two decided to meet at a nice bakery in the afternoon. Asami wasn't sure how things would go, but she was interested in talking to Korra about the issues she had. Asami was learning to be more warm with Mako but she still had her reservations and at the root of them, was Korra and her relationship with Mako. So Asami got dressed and headed into the city and found a parking spot close to the bakery. She sat outside and enjoyed a cup of coffee and a scone. When Korra showed up, Asami offered to treat Korra, mostly since Asami was sure Korra didn't have much money on her. And it could serve a purpose of a peace offering, though in Asami's mind, the one offering something should be Korra. [b]"Let me start off by saying that I thought we were friends."[/b] [b]"I never had many growing up, most people wanted to use my connections so finding sincere friends became a near impossible task. I wanted to help Mako and his team and I was honored to be able to help you as well."[/b] She told Korra. [b]"I never thought I should be concerned about you and Mako, you were friends and I wanted to respect that...I didn't know he had feelings for you. And when everything spun out of control, he stayed by your side but...he became someone very unattractive...he became angry and spiteful and I didn't know who he was anymore, because he was so focused on protecting you. I tried to tell myself it was just platonic but...you two kissed and hid it from me. I had to take that into account."[/b] She glanced down at her empty cup. Asami felt anxiety bubble in her chest, [b]"I don't blame you for his actions toward me, him pushing me away...but I do have to blame you for kissing him and hurting me and Bolin in the process, you two ignored the consequences just because of the revolution and it's time to deal with it. I'd like for us to move on, if that means you and Mako pursuing a relationship..."[/b] She trailed off. [b]"I just want everyone to go back to getting along, for a while, we were all good friends."[/b] Asami smiled slightly and looked back to Korra. Meanwhile, Bolin was heading out of the government building, an arm swung around Mako's shoulders. The sun had just begun to set and he was ready to eat and find the ladies. Lin brushed past the two brothers and seemed like she was heading for the pier, using her metal bending to get her in that general direction more quickly.