Ka-thump. Ka-thump. Ka-thump. The sound of his heart beating bounced agonisingly around his head as if some depraved soul had recently taken to using his head as a drum. As he groggily tried to open his eyes, his vision swam in a rictus of pain and the bright light above him assaulted and overwhelmed his sense of sight. He groaned in pain at the new development and flopped onto his side, immediately becoming aware of a large throbbing pain in the back of his head. “Goddamit what happened to me?” he muttered to himself as he attempted to collect himself. He heard voices calling out about face eaters and meeting someone in the encyclopaedia room; with that torrent of sound came the soul crushing realisation that despite his best hopes about his memories of the last few days being a delusional dream. He groaned again, thrusting his elbows and knees in front of himself, pitifully rocking himself over so that his face was now pointed to the mercifully dark floor. A few seconds of slow, controlled breathing eventually focused himself enough to rise onto his unsteady feet and he just above fell over again as the world rocked on its hinges. The only thing that saved him was a desperate hand grasping onto the corner of a table which allowed a few precious seconds of composure and eventually his vision straightened enough to see his surroundings again. His gun, rather worrying, was nowhere to be seen nor was the source of the voices which called out but one did sound far closer than the others so he decided to do his best to sneak up and survey exactly what was going on. He quickly scanned the shelves and found a rather hefty leather bound book which while a clumsy weapon, would be capable of a fair bit of damage if you hit someone right. He poked his head out in the open long enough to see a man in a rather formal attire jump back into what he could only assume was the encyclopaedia room. With a quick peek to see if anyone else was following the man which revealed no imminent person he decided to attempt to talk to the man, primarily to work out whether he’d fallen or someone had taken to bonking him on the head. He set out from the book case he was hiding behind and crossed the gap, warily surveying his surroundings. When he reached the door he took a deep breath , his hand trembling slightly on the door handle as his mind strayed as to what was waiting on the other side but he eventually forced himself to turn the handle and the door yielded away its secrets. There was a solitary man inside, the one he’d seen entering before, and a whole load of encyclopaedias which was rather unsurprising for the room. He did his best to appear jovial despite the raging pain in the back of his head and asked “Excuse me, is this room taken?” Summary: Corey enters the room with the man who’s already knocked him out once, tune in for the next post to see if lightning strikes twice!