[quote=Jangel13] No problem!" Angelo called back watching Wes impressed at his use if gravity magic as Angelo made two lightning bolts form in his hands as he quickly shot them into paralyzing as some of the father's burned off but they would be fine in a few hours again. Angelo made sure to shoot another Vulcan using his lightning bolts and using 40%of his power output to stop them in their tracks before they got to close [/quote] Jumping into the air, Wes did a front flip and performed a gravity push, crushing a few vulcans within his path, but still were able to fit their way out of Wes's reach. "Angelo, you better be able to catch those loose ones!" He said as he swung his arm to sweep some vulcans in reach off the the cliff of the mountain."Gravity repel shield!" he said lifting both his arms to create a force that could push the approaching vulcans back from the hut. But Wes couldn't keep it up for too long since there were too many vulcans pushing and gradually, but slowly pushed themselves through the shield.