The year is in the middle of 2307 AD August 4th. As a result of the depletion of fossil fuels, humanity had to search for a new source of power. The power was found in the form of massive arrays of solar power collectors orbiting the Earth, and supported by three orbital elevators, each one serving one of the three "power blocs" on the planet, namely Union, controlling the region surrounding North America; Human Reform League, consisting of China, Russia and India; and AEU, which controls mainland Europe. With this nearly inexhaustible source of energy benefiting only the major powers and their allies, constant warfare erupts around the globe among minor countries for fuels and energy. Countries that once economically relied on the sale of fossil fuels have plunged into poverty. Some even believe that solar energy threatened the "world as we know it", resulting in the 20-year Solar Wars. The world was plunged into chaos leading to an armistice that lasts even to this day. No nation dares break their fragile peace but still fights wars with one another over smaller nations and is for all intents and purposes 'a cold war'. After the many years of war this chaos led to the secret formation of a private military organization, called Celestial Being , dedicated to eradicating war and uniting humanity through the use of advanced machines called Gundams. These machines went through multiple generations and improvements leading to what they are today. They have saved numerous lives and prevents war from breaking out all while remaining anonymous and secret thanks to a network of spies and advanced technology. The men and women who pilot these gundams are known as Gundam Meisters, these pilots sided with Celestial Being for their own reasons and were chosen by the machine known as VEDA to prevent the world from being a desolated wasteland. Currently Celestial Being has two teams one being under former Union Commander Rowan Cardinal known for his involvements in multiple conflicts and his harsh but brilliant leadership abilities. The second and main group is lead by Zhou Gang a Human Reform League scientist whom left the nation due to reasons that remain secret to this day. His aide is Michelle Beck from Brazil whom is noted for his strategic abilities. Together these two groups and their supports prepare to change the world.... === [youtube]nC5aaECnqEg[/youtube] == FAQ: 1. This will be very similar to the start of the canon series Gundam OO, [b]but no canon characters will be in the story. However no non-canon gundams will be allowed in the story either.[/b] 2. You may use any 3rd or lower generation gundam but it's heavily insisted you use a gundam. Though if you'd like you can use a flag or a Enact or whatever be it with GN condensers. 3. You may be whatever age you'd like but keep it reasonable I'd prefer not to see eight or seventy nine year old people piloting advanced suits of destruction. 4. You may not be a newtype or an innovator. You may be a super soldier (with explanation on how you survived or escaped the project), or an innovade if you prefer. Normal humans are also acceptable. 5. You need a reason to be in Celestial Being being born into it or through whatever be it you can't simply just be in celestial being or found it they'd more than likely kill you as recruit you. 6. Pacifists are unlikely to be in giant robot terrorist machines remember that if you're ordered to kill someone you will most likely have to do it. In Celestial Being for the greater good of humanity you do what you must less something unfortunate may happen.