He man had a quizzical look on his face as he watched her leave and he turned to face the other gi- "What in the great plains of Galifrey.." He said facing what was once the girl. She was now large...And green. She, no, it had a smirk on its face as the man spoke, "By order of the drakian parliament of 990989, your species are not permitted in any level 5 plane. I recommend you leave. The creature seemed to laugh and walk twords the man, "welp...Good thing I've still got legs, eh?" He said before dashing out the door. As soon as he ran out he ran into the other girl and fell over her, "OOOF! Oh! Umm Sorry about that, but-" The creature smashed through the front of the coffee shop, "Like I said, Leaving would be good!" He grabbed the girls hand and said, "Run!"