Mayt moved in front of Sasha, holding his sword out at the new attacker, keeping the edge of the blade hot. He let out a long breath, then lowered himself into a stance to strike, sword out in front of him. He waited a moment, before kicking off to the side, and using his magic to redirect his movement towards the one in front of him, striking at her side with the blunt of the blade, then forcing himself down and pushing off the ground back towards Sasha. The strike was mostly experimental, seeing how she would react to a person who could change their motion in mid-air. But he couldn't give her too long. Mayt launched another attack, charging then dropping down, attempting to slide her feet out from under her and grabbing with his free left hand at an ankle, hoping that, even if she jumped out of the way, he could grab her and bring her down. Should the motion succeed, he would immediately let go and quickly push to his feet, rotating to face his opponent, and attempting to put a foot on their chest. Should he fail, he simply pushes himself to his feet and readies himself for the next strike. He was going to make sure no one was going to die. And if anyone was, that it would be the ninja.