The group begun their long journey together to Riverdale where Cora and Will were likely being held captive. The sun was beginning to break over the horizon. Day had come, and the world was still as dark, treacherous, and an awful sight as it had always been. However, this was the only kind of world they knew. Shida always despised this god forsaken rock floating around. All the meaningless trials and tests presented by our controlled and corrupted society. Each day he was alive he muddled through the haze of this plague that had sickened this world, but now he knew exactly what it was, and where to begin rooting it out. "These Vygorns are real bastards, if I'm getting the image right. There isn't much they wouldn't do to stop their world from collapsing around them. We have to be the ones that make sure it does." he said out loud to no one in particular. They were getting closer to Riverdale, about four miles now. The sun was shining bright, on a day like this. "Those fools, thinking they could handle this all by themselves. They surely deserve whatever they're getting. That Cora girl runs off, and Will disappears. I almost was beginning to think more of them. But no, instead we're stuck walking into a trap in broad fucking daylight." Shida was having second thoughts, he looked around him. Thelma could use her powers well as he had seen, but he wasn't so sure about her resolve. Aerilyn was biting off more than she could chew he already knew that, she barley looked at him as they walked. His presumptuous attitude told him that she was living in some kind of denial already. Phil, seemed level headed so far, but he wasn't so sure about his powers, and how they might come into play. Although healing would be ideal, and it was day time. He thought about it for a moment. Phil, light, Ghost, dark. It works, they would be able to use each others powers to a tactical advantage if he was imagining it right. The earth elemental as well, Kimberly, she should be with them, earth and shadows, light and darkness. That leaves, Me, Aerilyn, Thelma, Beau, and Gilfred. Gilfred.. was Will's brother, he imagined what he might be going through now, but he didn't seem like the emotional type. A cold look in his eyes, unlike his brother, who was strong as an ox but more heart than head. As for Beau, as little as he knew about him, he could see that his loyalty our cause was unwavering. Shida, however, tended to make more promises than he kept, that was the way he lived his life. He was finding it hard to fight that instinct and just abandon them all, but he realized the importance of this mission. As well as the importance of killing the Vygorns.. he decided to use Beau's similar personality trait's to Will's to his own advantage, he would have him protect Aerilyn, as well as accomplish one of their goals. He was done thinking about it, it was time to let the others know; they could still make the storm. Just two miles outside of Riverdale, their destination, Shida gestured for everyone to listen to him as he stopped and turned around to face the group. "We're nearing our destination, it's time to talk about exactly how this is going to work." he looked at all of them. "The Vygorns likely know we're on the way, who knows what they have told them. I've seen strong men crack as easily as little girls when put to hot iron. So don't get your hopes up about anything like that, we're here to accomplish a goal, and we'll find out what we can, and handle it to the best of our abilities. But for now everyone needs to get their head on straight, we have a grueling battle ahead, and it's not a guarantee that we'll all come back alive." Shida wanted to know who would crack right now, it's better now than during the fight, that's how people die. Some of them he could see the fear in their faces, others, looked like they knew exactly what the risks were, and had no doubts. Shida had always been a leader, and he naturally composed a plan along the way here. He was always looking at others strengths, and weaknesses, which gave him an insight you have to be sturdy enough to handle. They would hear his opinion. "We still have the element of surprise, believe it or not, they don't know where we'll hit them, or how hard. The odd's are still in our favor, you could say. However, without Will and Cora, we'll likely suffer some loss. But this is to change that, so don't lose sight of that goal now." Shida continued, "Myself, Phil, Ghost, and Kimberly, we will be the assault team, our job is simply to kill as many Vygorns as we can, when you get the signal. Beau, Aerilyn, and Gilfred, Thema, you'll be creating a storm above the encampment as a diversion tactic, Gilfred and Thema should be there in case anything goes wrong a long the way, after that, your goal is to join us in the fight. We need a good distraction, and regardless of how much I give a shit about any human, id rather my arrow pierces a Vygorn heart. Any last words or requests from any of you before we do this? You may not get another chance to tie your shoes."