"...I was raised by a vampire. Humans treated me like dirt because of it." Her lips formed into a small frown -- a break from her usual demeanor as she recalled the events that led her up to being a well-groomed lady amongst most humans that'd otherwise be little more than skeletal hollows of what they once were. Visages of her parents crawled through her eyes -- quickly displaced and distorted as her memory was merely incapable of remembering what they looked like. It was...always like this. Always flashes, but never any concrete image to remind her of where she came from in the end of things. "My parents died presumably by vampires. But rather than being thrown into the trash, I was taken in and cared for like a daughter of sorts. I was never fed from. I was never touched in poor ways by the Master of the house. I was harmed and tormented by the others I worked beside. ...Despite being a human-" Ah...?! She forced down the jolt of surprise that came from Karl muttering in his sleep and squeezing her, a look of surprise taking hold as she bit her lip and her hands raised up. ...Ah...Uhm...What could work...? One arm wrapped around him to rub his back whilst the other brushed through his hair in a gentle caress, whispers dancing into the ear closest to her lips despite the red on her cheeks in order to attempt calming him down. [i]"Nobody will take your beloved away from you. Your love will...always be here. Don't you see?"[/i] Hopefully that wouldn't be heard, but she'd then turn her attention to Callum in order to address him once more whilst trying to comfort their slumbering Master. "...I don't consider ourselves objects. Our Master doesn't quite see us as objects -- merely...people that have the body heat to keep him -- or attempt to keep him -- calm in what would otherwise be a poor attempt at sleeping...He does not force us into a dungeon, and he does not give us rags to sleep in. We have actual clothes, belongings, things of that nature...Surely not all vampires are terrible people. Don't you think?..."