Reddo followed the tunnels with the other men wishing she could be up close and in the fight. Angelo was right though. Her job was important, very important. But, yet again she was the back up plan. She was to watch everybody earn glory while she waited for her's to maybe show up. It made her mad. Finally they arrived at the scene where the trucks were going to be. Reddo moved about 200 yards down the road and stationed herself at the top of a big oak tree. She looked through the scope of her sniper and saw Angelo give her a thumbs up meaning ready to go. She waited for about 20 minutes and called Angelo on the radio she had "Hey, They 2nd truck. It's filled with supplies remember? I wrote it down on that piece of paper I gave you. So, the 2nd truck won't be empty and we need to make sure we take it down too." "Okay, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks" Was Angelo's response. Finally after a little while longer of waiting the trucks came into view. The group stationed on the ground moved forward and stopped one of the trucks and just like Angelo feared one took off. Some of the men in the group began to chase after it but didn't work. Reddo lined up the driver in her scope and fired. The bullet made no sound coming out of the barrel due to the silencer Reddo had attached to it. The Windshield of the truck shattered and the drive let go of the wheel. Luckily the truck didn't crash, it only slowed to a stop.She waited a while to make sure everything was alright. She watched as Angelo opened the door to the first truck. A hand reached out and punched Angelo. Reddo only had a few seconds to react. She dialed in the scope on the other man's head and pulled the trigger. Reddo she climbed down of the tree and back to the trucks. She gave Angelo another thumbs up as she checked the back. Full of supplies just like she thought it would be. she began to unload the supplies from the truck. "Hey, looks like it wasn't empty after all Eddy!" She yelled while seeing Ed unload the guns. Reddo smiled as Ed rolled his eyes. Reddo continued to unload supplies and then asked Angelo, "What are we going to do with the trucks?"