Remi caught the smile on her Empress' face, and couldn't stop the one of her own. She was not one to understand the meaning of such a smile, it was not charged with sensuality, nor malicious in intent. In other words: it wasn't a Ra smile or a Yakoul smile. It was just...a Shoko smile: serene, understanding, and rare. It was pressed upon the young woman's mind in a way she wouldn't ever forget. "Me too. We won't fail your vision." she vowed and continued to walk with the Empress. Her face scrunched slightly when Shoko asked her question. Virgin...such a strange word. A word that Remi had never learned until the queen told her of human mating habits. When... "...No..." the girl shook her head rapidly and placed her fingers over her ears. "No. I not. But...mate? No mate. I...not normal." she looked up at Shoko, meeting her eyes for the first time. Those piercing eyes were full of loneliness and sadness. "Not beautiful enough. Not good enough wife." these weren't even her own words. Someone who had spent time with her could tell. "Too stupid. Care too much for Bees. But, not bees. Hornets sting multiple times and don't die. Mine eat meat when grown, honey when large. Not mate for Remi. No one dumb enough."