[b]Templar - Central Park - Boomstick[/b] "Yes, that is your target. Your mission is to capture her alive" one of the K.N.I.G.H.T. scientist instructed Experiment 3 through his transmitter. Templar huffed as he watched the "hero" from within a crowd of people. "She is merely a girl" Templar commented, ironic due to his own age. Basically, Templar is merely five months old himself, though he is indeed in the body of a teenager. "It doesn't matter if she's a girl or not, you've got a mission No. 3, get it done!" the scientist urged. If Templar didn't do as commanded, the higher ups would not only get mad at him, but at all the scientist who failed to make him listen. It had been their job to create a weapon to battle metahumans like Boomstick. If they failed, they'd be replaced - the K.N.I.G.H.T. way. "But Dr. Clairfield taught me to become friends with others. She taught me to-" "Dr. Clairfield lied to you Templar. All those simulations she put you through were merely lies. People don't treat each other that way. The real world is cruel Numb-...Templar. When these people see you, all they will see is a clone. An artificial life, a monster created in a test tube. They will never accept you. So that is the reason were taking them down. So that we can create more like you, so you can finally have a family, others who will understand you. Do you get me Templar? After this, you will never be alone again" As he listened to the scientist, he stared directly at the ground. Then he turned his attention towards the sky as he began to process thoughts. ".......My own family?....." he murmured to himself. "Why is he second thinking the decision to strike the girl? Why does he not follow orders?!" Mr. Shade yelled to his men in question. "It would seem that due to his 'human' genetics, he is learning to feel and to make decisions sir" one of the doctors responded. "We didn't put years into research to create a regular metahuman. I wanted a soldier, a pawn we could control to vanquish these creatures from our planet. Tell him to attack the girl now, or else we'll put him down for good. You people have failed yet again. Experiment 4 better wake up a completely mindless pawn - for your own sake. Get me that girl!!" Mr. Shade commanded as he left the room for his personal quarters. "No. 3, take the offensive and complete your mission" This broke Templar's trance of thought and forced him to act upon instructions. "If it must be" he stated through the ear piece as he suddenly jumped into the sky and began to levitate above everyone. The crowd gasped and awed at this wondrous event. Some feared the metahuman, others envied it as they began to take pictures of Templar's glorious flight. Suddenly, the bus pulled up before Modya - the bus she waited for. In response, Templar quickly flew from above and came crashing down on the bus' rooftop. In effect, the entire bus crumbled under him and anybody inside was most likely injured or even deceased. He had completely destroyed the vehicle - all in attempt to prevent Boomstick from getting away. As he stepped forward and closer to Boomstick, the bus' engine lit on fire from the impact. Suddenly, the entire structure encased itself in fire as the remaining survivors were locked inside to become roasted alive. "I've come to capture you Codename: Boomstick. If you surrender now, no harm will come to you, but if you do not, I will take you down by force" Templar said with a smile. Even after regretting the idea of capturing the girl just a couple seconds ago, he was now seeking to put his powers to the test. Because he never had to use them to any extremes, he figured a metahuman like the one before him was going to surely put up a fight - one he most dearly desired. "He's come in contact with the target" Suddenly, Templar pulled out a blade strapped to his back. "What will it be?" he asked the girl.