I think this will be the beginning of the first OOC post, though there is much info to get down so still lots of work to be done. This is a glimpse at what humankind will become, if it chooses. This part is pretty much just to state almost anything is possible but some of it will be so inconceivably impossible that the human brain has adapted and change to suite the impossible standard. They will become gods basically, flesh and blood deities in there own right... if you dont understand by the end of reading this it WILL become clear i promise. Ill make sure everyone is on the same page on how physics would work for an exact kind of character, and make sure no one is the same because, well, no one can be the same, identical twins can have boosts entirely different from one another, though some would work in the same fashion as there counterparts the ability in itself and its operating are unique to each individual, even if it seems the same it isn't pretty much. In 2025 the future is a grim one, people have stopped believing in their governments, and doubting deities. There alternative to normal crude oil mining had changed and now giant algae growing facilities produced most of the worlds fuel, which after atmosphere “purifiers” were established in the north pole, that concern had left the average citizens mind. One man Doctor Marcus Anima, changed the human race for eternity. The Evolution of Humankind would reach its event horizon because of the actions made by one man. The possibilities would grow to be endless and a few of the people who lived in the time of Anima, got to see the end of the universe itself. They would watch as the Universe warped and squeezed around them until they were all condensed back to the singularity point there matter had come from. None on that day shed a tear, for nothing to them was as painful as the days they had seen the beautiful existence of humans slain. These people in the moments before the big crunch looked as they had some odd hundreds of millions of years ago, and they would float there in a weightless void as there bodies adapted to there every surrounding. As a fraction of a millisecond went by there body had changed and adapted in more ways than was conceivable. There fluid had adjusted to the pressures of space, in some there lungs had adapted and grown glands within to produce oxygen, some had adapted to not making there own atmospheres around them in an unconscious manner. There bodys had developed its own barriers for space, and as you could imagine they were nearly indestructible in every way shape or form. Stories of the Wise that told of Anima’s days had lived on and though the children of the new humans could never escape the lives Anima instilled in their ancestors. Some saw him almost as a god, “the mortal man that solved the problems of death”, others scorned him for what he had turned mankind into. By the time of those who see the big crunch mankind is no more, in a sense that not a single one of the beings floating throughout outerspace felt human. Many of the humans realizing the true destiny they will once meet, despite having the ability to live this destiny and see the true answers of the universe choose to end their lives and shut down completely leaving empty husks or floating super beings. Many could be found in the graveyards of the rubbles of earth that floated around there cold star. Though that is the distant future and we are fortunate enough to live the lives of undying superbeings. Our fates our not set in stone, but we haven’t realized our universe’s isn’t, and someone has to chisel it in. Some of us are scientist that worked along side Anima in our own fields of study, though most of us are lab subjects with extremely experimental versions of the micro bots. This is Anima’s legacy, his etching in the fate of the universe, and the possibilities are literally endless, one day the potential of mankind will reach a point where it can never get better because it is the best it can be. What will you become?