[b]Boomstick - Bus stop - Templar[/b] "Ah finally!" Modya announced aloud to herself when she spotted the number 3 bus turning the corner, finally she would be able to head uptown and meet her friends. She stood up from the bench and straightened out her sweater, adjusting her leather gloves to fit better. She was distracted from her excitement by a gasp, looking over to a group of people who pointed to the sky she followed their fingers upwards to see a boy floating overhead, someone with powers like her. "What is he do-" she started only to be interrupted by him suddenly crashing down on top of the bus pulling up in front if her. She jumped back, falling down onto her ass to dodge the flying debris, "What the hell man are you stupid!" she yelled, checking to see if there was anyone in the mus, luckily there was only the drive but the crushing force had trapped him inside while the engine caught fire. [i]"I've come to capture you Codename: Boomstick. If you surrender now, no harm will come to you, but if you do not, I will take you down by force"[/i] The boy said to her, flashing what she assumed was supposed to be a threatening smirk while he drew his sword. [i]"What will it be?"[/i] Modya stood up, calmly fixing her sweater once more as she began to laugh, a genuine giggle at her situation as she began to feel all giddy, "Oh finally something to hit after all this time!" she gave him a wide grin, removing her gloves and pocketing them she pulled a pair of sunglasses from her pocket and put them on her face. "I sure hope you did your homework flyboy because who ever sent you after me sure as hell did not!" raising her left arm the sleeve of her sweater blasted away, revealing the runic tattoos that coated it, glowing in a white aura she opened her palm and fired a short ranged blast to knock him away from the bus.