Kaia breathed heavily through her nostrils as she rolled around in the damp grass. She had been up before dawn, she liked to be the first one up except the for the night guards. Although they never interfered with her ritual. She wasn't that important. She liked to watch the moon slowly disappear as the bright glowing star came up from behind the hill. No one had explained it to her. Some still thought of her as a pup. She hated that. There is nothing Kaia wanted more than being recognized as the grown up lady she was. She rolled around again looking up towards the hill seeing some of the pack members gather together around the alpha. The superior males always looked so handome when keeping lookout. Their ears tilting from side to side, their eyes slightly squinted due tot he morning light. The breeze through their fur. Kaia realized she was daydreaming again and got slightly embarrassed. She sat up and shook the grass off. She didn't like to get caught daydreaming.