You wake up. The familiar cold steel of a reanimation table is the first thing you can feel. As your mind starts up slowly, you remember: farcast, Legba, Timoti, firewall. [Continuity Test: WIL x3, +10] You start to feel your new body. Feels like an exalt/bouncer, but you are still too groggy to know properly. A man in a bouncer morph looks at you: "Welcome to the shithole that is Legba! I found you a standard bouncer, hopefully you like it and can get me off this place faster." You move your hand, unfamiliar fingers respond. You look at your feet and move your prehensible toes. So far, so good, except for a few scars you were never there to get and the odd tattoo you don't remember. Seems good enough. Doesn't feel like your hand, the feeling is strange no matter how many times you experience it. [Integration Test: SOM x3 (No morph bonuses), +10] [Alienation Test: INT x3, +10] [Please link dice rolls in your post, thanks!]