Sasha frowned, thinking on what move she could use against this, and she began moving her hands, in a way she hadn't done before, "Ice make: Tiger impact" A Tiger essentially looking like a hammer made of ice came crashing down on the shielding piece in front of the clearly more violent piece, and Sasha could feel the vibration of the impact through the ground. Sasha blinked, shocked that she had managed to come up with a new attack on the fly like that. And before she even knew what she was doing, she followed up with "Ice Make: Hawk arrow" The hawk formed, wings at its side, beak incredibly sharp and pointing downwards as it shot towards the two pieces, and she continued once more with "Ice Make: frost" The temperature around them dropped considerably, but Sasha had no worries that Mayt would be effected with his abilities. What she was going for was the sounds human's made when they were cold, so she could pin point where the mage was attacking from, and aim for her. Sasha was after all getting tired, but the will to protect her guild mate was stronger then that, and she clenched her hands and teeth, pushing through it.