[i]“Of course, how silly of me!”[/i] After a bunch of weird things were pulled out from Jim's hat, Jim was finally able to pull out a fork. [i]“I knew that I had one in there!”[/i] Victoria took it as he handed it over, and she began to take a piece of the cake. "Mm, pretty good. Chocolate cakes are still better though." She remarked before licking the powdered sugar that were on her lips. She threw the fork to the side and looked around her, "You didn't see me do that." [quote=22ice22]Taking one last inhale he removed the still quite fresh cigar from his mouth and snuffed it on his palm, ignoring the slight burn it caused. "119 years, yet I'm stills nots looking forward to it," he sighed quietly. Then looking at James he spoke, "Well Jimmy looks likes this is my last show with The Troupe. I's only gots six years ands I stills gots a lots I wants and gots to do." Walking forward Vincent placed his cigar in Jimmy's pocket, "Don'ts gots time for dat one, gots to pack."[/quote] Victoria smiled before calling out to him, "I was kidding!" She chuckled. Victoria brought her attention back to James after hearing him speak, "I'll see you later then." She replied. Victoria walked back inside her trailer and plopped down on of the couches. She leaned her back against the couch and sighed, deciding that she would take a short nap before the show began. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Victoria's eyes shot open as she woke up from a bad dream. She took a deep breath as she massaged her temples with her fingers. She stood up to get herself a glass of water before changing into something more presentable for the show. As soon as was done preparing, she grabbed her set of cards before exiting her trailer. The chilly wind blew past her, making her shiver slightly. Her mind wandered back to the dream that she had. Even if she thought hard about it, she couldn't remember what it was, and it made her feel uneasy. Victoria brushed her thoughts aside when she heard the crowd cheer. She glanced at the stage, and she saw Jim who was already about to start the show. Victoria made her way towards the tent beside the stage, and she already found people lining up, waiting for their fortunes to be told. As she walked past the line of people, she could hear them mutter things such as [i]finally[/i] and [i]she's here.[/i] Victoria sighed, not in the mood to look into the future of these people. Not only was it mentally straining for her, she also woke up with a really bad headache. It didn't help that she was feeling uneasy for some unknown reason. As soon as Victoria took a seat and scattered the cards on the table, the first person entered and sat on the chair across her. Victoria pulled the cloak over her head, before closing her eyes and getting ready to do her job.