[centre][b]Cyphor Fey'lar[/b] [i]Kashyyyk System Aboard the Nightclouds Reward[/i][/centre] “Coming up on Kashyyyk space.” Hayles voice came over the Rewards internal comms.Cyphor Stood from the chair he had been in as he watched Kalmi practice Niman with a pair of training sabres she had brought along for the purpose. Since her earlier success in grasping the basics of the dual blade style she had taken to practising the feel of two blades whenever time permitted. While Cyphor himself was not prolific in the style he had studied Niman as a form and had enough knowledge to at least guide Kalmi along the path, he smiled as he stood and wondered how long it would be before she chose to modify her current dual blade sabre, or if she would chose to make a new paired set all together. “So time to get shot at then.” Kalmi said casually as she deactivated the blades and returned them to the cabinet she had been keeping them in on the journey. Kathlyn smiled at Kalmi's remark, a sign that the young Cathar padawan was starting to get more comfortable with the banter that often went along with Cyphors presence. “Let us hope not, Hayle thinks she might be able to slip down to the surface undetected, depending on the situation in orbit. Considering Kashyyyk is something of a hotspot for the war im not entirely sure if Hayle actually believes herself.” Cyphor replied. “Well I suppose we can but try then.” Kalmi said with a shrug, “Come Kathlyn, lets get the hunters ready for a rough landing.” At that Cyphor chuckled and headed to the cockpit to see Hayle. The cockpit door slid open with a soft hiss as he approached and he took a seat next to Hayle. “Kalmi thinks quite highly of your piloting skills.” He said still chuckling a little. “Is that right, remind me to ask her what happened the last time you tried to teach her to fly.” Hayle said with a roll of her eyes. “For someone with jedi reflexes I'd have at least expected the shuttle to be salvageable.” She added with a chuckle of her own as she recalled the state of the small four person shuttle that Kalmi had tried to pilot a number of years ago. “We're about to drop out of hyperspace.” Hayle said again after a moment of shared mirth, “Lets see what we find.” She added a moment before she pulled the hyperspace lever back and dropped the Nightclouds reward back into realspace. The moment the Nightclouds Reward dropped out of hyperspace it entered in a region of chaos. Sensor readings were erratic at best but from what Hayle could see through the transparisteel cockpit windows it looked like a bunch of cargo and troop transports heading to the hyperspace jump point being harassed by Vulture and Hyana droid starfighters. Right in front of them was another freighter whose pilot just barely managed to evade the Nightscloud Reward, the Vulture Droid that was behind said freighter was not so lucky as it clipped itself on the Nightclouds Reward's shields and drifted away through space in pieces. “So much for going in undetected then.” Cyphor said as he started watching the rewards systems and making adjustments where needed while Hayle focused on not running in to anything. “What do you think, make a break for the planet?” Hayle asked as she tried to pilot by sight alone while she tried not to rely on the fragmentary sensor data. “We cant really make much of a difference to either side in this fight and we might be able to slip down in the chaos without anyone paying us much attention.” She added a moment later. Cyphor considered it for a moment before nodding. The thought of so many dying around him was not a pleasant one, but Hayle was right, in this chaos there was little they could to to effect the outcome regardless, they were but one small freighter after all. “Do it.” He said firmly, walling of his emotions on the subject for now. Hayle manages to without any real effort navigate her ship through the chaos around them, flying around incoming craft of all sizes and speed towards the planet, but not without gaining some attention, a trio of vulture droids are in pursuit. “Vultures on our ass.” Hayle said as the sensors flashed up a momentary display of the fighters tailing them moments before several laser bolts flew over the Reward. Hayle flicked the internal comms on and spoke quickly. “Could one of you strapping Cathar get on the turret and remove the pests following us, whichever of you is the best shot preferably. And use the headset when you get to the gunwell.” She flicked the internal comm off and switched the gunwell channel on so they would know when someone got to the turret while Hayle took evasive measures to avoid the vulture droids fire as best she could. There came a check-in from a Cathar as he reached the turret and started to open fire at the Vultures in pursuit, who wildly went out of their way, spoiling their own weapons fire. Once they were back in pursuit they launched missiles. “Sithspit!” Hayle exclaimed as she instinctively tried to avoid the missile through her piloting. The Cathar on the turret however concentrated its fire on the starfighters rather than trying to shoot the missiles streaking towards them, hitting those would be hard enough without the manoeuvres Hayle had just started pulling in an effort to lose the missiles. In her element Hayle performed some stunts to mess with the targeting computers of the missiles she was satisfied to see them explode on her sensors, each missiles exploding in a cloud of tiny machines. Weapons fire was exchanged again, the Cathar missing soundly but the Vultures scored some hits on the freighter's aft shields. However one of the Vultures flew right through the 'cloud' of tiny machines and the buzz droids started to do what they were programmed to do and cut into one of the vultures that had actually launched them. “Well that's something you don't see everyday.” Hayle remarked as the sensors showed the vulture droid being cut to ribbons by the buzz droids “I'm sick of running from these bastards.” She then added as she pulled the Reward into a hard turn in order to face the remaining vultures headon. The Cathar still couldn't shoot a barn in space but Hayle was now just showing off as she blew apart the vultures while the third let out a robotic screech over the comms and was still being cut apart without mercy, but the way to the planet was clear, for the moment. “Lets get down to the planet before anyone else comes after us.” Cyphor said as hayle blew up the second vulture droid. Hayle quickly brought the Reward back around and once more made a break for the surface towards the village of Kachirho. On their approach sensor readings told them some interesting information, it looked like the CIS had a small beachhead in place, with even a Trandoshan vessel parked close by, but it seemed their beachead was having some problems, native wildlife were tearing the camp apart, stampeding and charging droids. Cyphor also felt a strong presence, and shivered, primal hunger, seeped in the dark side and when asked to put it on sensors a image came through. It looked like a rancor but with a thicker hide and spikes everywhere and at the moment the image came through it seemed to stare right up in the air at the freighter before it let out a roar and grabbed a trandoshan and ripped it in two. “This trip may not have been entirely wise afterall...” Cyphor said as he felt the beast through the force. “If you tell me you have a bad feeling about this I'll slap you, then maybe shoot you for good measure for dragging me along.” Hayle said with a snort as she checked their distance from the village. “Then I won't say it.” Cyphor replied with a sombre tone. “Either way I see no need to stop here, the droids are unimportant and the trandoshans are just here to take Wookiees as slaves.” “You're the boss.” Hayle said as she continued to the wookiee village. As soon as they got close to the village a transmission was received, in Shyriiwook. <"Unidentified vessel, state your intent and purpose."> “At times like this its good to have a wookiee friend.” Cyphor said to hayle with a smile as he understood the transmission. “This is the Freighter Nightclouds Reward, we come to you in peace, seeking information about a rumoured force user in the shadowlands.” Cyphor replied over the comms It was quiet in response for a moment, then there was a alarm and Hayle could see on the sensors that a number of defence turrets had become active and were targeting the freighter and the voice resumed, Cyphor recognising anger in the tone. <"Vultures are not allowed, leave now."> “I assure you friend we are not vultures,” Cyphor replied. “The rumours I have heard say this force user follows the jedi ways as I do, I simply with to meet and speak with them.” Cyphor said while motioning to Hayle to hold course though to slow down some. It was quiet again. <"Land at designated dock, cut your transmission."> The turrets were still aimed at the freighter however, but it seemed they were not going to open fire. “Remind me to bring Contact Gaarwarr next time I come to Kashyyyk and ask him to accompany me.” Cyphor said to Hayle after the transmission was ended. “Take us in nice and easy, I expect we wont be greeted warmly at first.” He added before getting out of the co-pilots seat and heading for the lounge where the others were gathered. The Cathar that had been on the turret had the grace to look a little sheepish as Cyphor walked in, though Cyphor paid it no mind and chose not to bring up the blood hunters poor aim. “So. Not crashing.” Kalmi said with a smile. “Not yet at least,” Cyphor replied before adding more. “Feel free to display your sabres openly here, Wookiees are one of the few races that never lost faith in the jedi when the order was destroyed, we need not hide what we are from them.” Kalmi added and shifted her sabre hilt to her belt rather than where she usually kept it under her clothing while Kathlyn did much the same. “Captain, if you wouldn't mind leaving your heavier weapons behind on the ship for now. Until we enter the shadowlands you will not need them anyway.” Cyphor then said to the leader of the blood hunters, who nodded an affirmative and he and his team removed their weapons until all they had were basic side-arms and a knife. Cyphor felt the Reward touch down and headed for the boarding ramp with Kalmi and Kathlyn following behind. As the ramp was lowering Hayle appeared from the cockpit. “There's five armed Wookiees out there you know, saw them from the cockpit.” She said as she saw the Blood Hunters coming out of the lounge. Considering this for a moment Cyphor turned to speak with the captain. “Follow us down the ramp captain, you and your team, but stay with the ship for now, there's no need to unnecessarily antagonise the Wookiees.” “As you wish sir.” The captain replied with a nod. That settled and the ramp fully lowered Cyphor lead the small group down the ramp and started approaching the waiting Wookiees, making sure his hands were clearly visible and not reaching for a weapon. The Wookiees did not look pleased and scrutinized every member of the party that came down the ramp when they looked over Kalmi and Kathlyn and saw their sabers they relaxed somewhat and grutned to each other. One Wookiee stepped forward and bowed his head and started to speak, in galactic basic, with a robotic tone. "Welcome to Kachirho, forgive the hostilities from before... but generally we dont have jedi broadcasting on a open frequency stating who they are or that they are lookign for other force users, we assumed you were bounty hunters." He looked at the group. "You still might for that matter." “I would normally not announce myself in such a way either, but your towers were preparing to shoot us out of the sky, it seemed the most expedient course of action.” Cyphor replied. The wookiee turned to Cyphor, studied him and then made a grunt that vaguely sounded like 'bothan, ugh'. "You were asking about a force user on a open channel, while our planet and this entire system are under siege, you expected us to act differently?" “The Republic and CIS are somewhat occupied at the moment, both in orbit and on the ground it seems, we saw a CIS camp with a Trandoshan vessel being torn apart by the local fauna on our approach.” Cyphor said before shrugging slightly, “Would you have preferred that I lied to your people about my purpose here?” The Wookiee stared at him, "Not but it is strange to see a Bothan who lacks subtlety, strangely refreshing." At this the other four wookiees laugh. "Be that as it may, you are looking for the Ohrcraahaoac? The Wraith?" Cyphor let the comment go, he'd accepted long ago that he didn't fit into the perceived nature of his people, in some area's he'd actively worked to not act in accordance to the Bothan way. With a nod he answered the wookiee speaker. “The rumours I heard had no names in them. In fact the rumours were rather lacking in details overall, only that they originated from this village and that the force user followed the Jedi ways.” "The tales yes, sadly a smuggler overheard some of our people discussing the ohrcraahaoac, they did not knew he could understand our language. Clearly the tales have spread somewhat. The wraith is not from this world, coming down from the stars and tending to its own dealings, occasionally some hunters witness his presence be discovering a slain beast that was stalking their hunting party. This led us to believe he was a jedi because some our most honoured elders recall visiting jedi and we have known others to visit our world from time to time." He gestured to the south, where the CIS beach head was, "You witnessed their base, we believe the Wraith did that too." “I see.” Cyphor replied as he considered the dark side beast he had seen and felt. “Do any of your people know where the wraith may be basing himself. Or a rough area that we might start our search?” "The Shadow Lands to the south of here, almost directly next to the beach head the Separatists came and established their base, their Trandoshan allies should have known better. Their slaver parties should remember the ohrcraahaoac." “Trandoshans are not particularly big on learning it seems.” Cyphor replied. Could one of your people act as a guide for the shadowlands for us maybe? The Cathar I brought with me are able in forested terrain but this is not their world and Kashyyyk's forests are rather unique in the galaxy, as are its dangers.” "Hmm, this could be done... but we are still not certain what your intentions are towards Wraith. Also since you were the one speaking, may I assume you are the senior jedi, if so, perhaps you can prove yourself in some way?" “Certainly.” Cyhpor said as he took a couple of steps back. He then used the force to levitate his sabre hilt horizontally before himself and activated the orange blade to its standard length. “I once trained under Master Oren Darmal, alongside a Wookiee by the name of Gaarwarr. He actually has a home in this region I believe. I admit I was half expecting the rumours I was hearing to be him.” At this the Wookiees shared glances and relaxed completely and their spokesperson let out a chuckle. "I see, a friend of Gaarwarr, huh? No the tales of the Wraith came to be around the period he started to move about in the galaxy, we may not have mentioned it to him because at that time, and perhaps still, it was best to keep jedi protected by also keeping them apart." He let out a grunt and looked up, at the sky and perhaps imagined seeing the space beyond. "Galaxy is a different place now, with the CIS and Republic both fighting for this world, jedi are not safe here. If you require a guide we can provide one." “I would greatly appreciate that, thank you.” Cyphor replied as he shut down his sabre and returned the hilt to it's clip on his belt. “If there is a way I might repay your kindness, please do not hesitate to ask.” The Wookiee let out a laugh and gestured to the freighter, "Hiding a army or fleet in there? If not, then helping out a jedi is its own reward." “Very well.” Cyphor said with a short bow. “Might I ask another favour, some local transport to get us near the beachhead, I don't particularly fancy swimming over there and parking my ship nearby could prove hazardous.” "That can be arranged." He looked at the party and then gestured to Kathlyn. "No offence to you young one, but you might be a bit young to enter the Kashyyyk Shadowlands." Kathlyn hesitated for a moment before looking at Cyphor and then Kalmi. “I follow my Master, where she goes, I go.” Kathlyn said sounding more sure of herself with each word. At that Kalmi put a hand on her shoulder and smiled. “She will be fine, “Cyphor said to the Wookiee. “The force is our ally.” "The force, your courage and any weapons you bring with you." The Wookiee replied. "We'll arrange for a transport and venture into the shadowlands to see if a Wraith can be found." ***---***---***---***---***---***---***---***---***---***---***---***---*** A boat was procured and delivered the party to a section of the shore some distance away from the, well now that the native beasts were done with it, CIS encampment. Their guide a wookiee who seemed advanced in years with the streaks of grey and white through his brown fur gestured to the treeline. <"The Shadowlands await, as does Ohrcraahaoac. Do you wish me to lead, I can guide you among it's depths but none know where Ohrcraahaoac resides within."> “You are more familiar with the terrain than we are friend, we would be grateful to have you lead.” Cyphor replied as the group gathered behind him, some of them looking in the direction of the former CIS encampment. “The force may be able to provide some direction of course.” He added as he focused his mind, hoping to pick up some hint of the 'Wraiths' direction. Cyphor reached out, sensing the vibrant life of Kashyyyk, someone strong in the force could easily hide here he realised, with so much living beings and matter to hide your presence. Not enough however as he caught a glimpse and as he focussed on it he saw a shining beacon of the force, who either sensed him or felt threatened by something or someone else but Cyphor knew the location of where he felt the presence. Kalmi too reached out with her senses, her mind touching the minds of the most gently of beings and fierce predators that stalk through Kashyyyk, she too sensed a unique presence, a large focus in the force but it withdrew, what was different however is as that one withdrew she noticed a second one, curious she focussed, she was noticed and unlike the other this presence reacted differently as it sensed it was being watched and it lashed out at her, through the force. A mental shriek of pain and despair reached her, almost paralysing her with fright but she quickly went back to her training at the hands of Cyphor and calmed herself, breathing deeply and building up mental wards with the force to keep this attack at bay and was successful, albeit perhaps a bit unnerved. As she opened her eyes she felt her hand trembling but she knew where this presence was when he attacked her through the force. And she had the nagging feeling... it also knew where she was... “Are you ok?” Cyphor asked as he sensed Kalmi recovering from.. something, what he did not know. “...Yes...” Kalmi replied as she steadied her breathing to a more regular pace. “I do not believe this wraith is the only force user in the shadowlands.” She said trying to keep the creeping apprehension from her voice. “What did you sense?” Cyphor asked curiously. “Two distinct presences in the force, one simply withdrew when I noticed it, the other lashed out with the darkside of the force.” She said as she continued to mentally steady herself. “I believe the dark presence is more likely the one responsible for the attack on the CIS. They are to the south-west and much closer than the other presence.” she added as she pointed in the rough direction for emphasis. “I sensed the distant presence myself, it felt threatened, not by us though, perhaps this darker presence you felt.” Cyphor said. “I fear the darker presence also knows where I am...” Kalmi added. “Then I suspect we will be meeting this darker presence sooner rather than never.” Cyphor said before he faced the direction of the distant presence he had felt and addressed the wookiee. “I believe we should head that way friend.” he said as he also gestured in the direction of the first presence. The Wookiee seemed to frown, he understood basic and had gathered what the jedi had said. <"There are two wraiths?"> He let out a grunt and then turned to the direction Cyphor indicated and nodded slowly. <"The shadowlands await and that is indeed where most of the sightings of the Wraith's presence have been found."> With that the Wookiee led the way, pausing at the edge of the forest floor and urging the party to the side as a herd of Kashyyyk Bantha stomped out of from the trees to the water to drink, ignoring the party of humanoids. Once the small herd had passed, some of them noting that there were bits of droids stuck under their feet as they moved, the party moved into the treeline, heading towards the shadowlands. At some points it seemed light became faint as it became more trouble for the rays of the sun to shine through the leaves and branches ahead and at that point their guide stopped and turned. <"We have entered the Shadowlands, be on your guard, there are predators here, even Wookiees fear and respect."> They kept walking as it grew dark, their eyes adjusting to the low light over time as their guide stopped them so they could do just that and only continued when he asked if they all could now see, or at least as best they could. Their guide seemed confident and followed a path only he could see, perhaps too confident as he watched all around him but not the way ahead. Cyphor saw it however, a faint outline in the dark, a hint of a obstruction and he stopped but before he could call out, their guide had already walked into it and let out a sudden roar as he felt himself entrapped in a giant webb that had been spun between the roots of some trees on ground level, and as Cyphor looked up he saw this web was only a small part of a very large connected network of webs and with a wookiee inside vibrations were send along it's entire length. Cyphor reacted quickly by activating his sabre and cutting at the web, the broken strands would likely draw whichever creature spun them quickly, but then their guides struggling was just as likely to do the same. “Weapons ready, Everyone be on guard and remember to watch the trees as well as ground level.” He said to the others. The guide let out a grunt of thanks but growled as he tried to remove sticky webs from his furr, it would take ages of grooming to get this stuff out of it all! Then they all heard the skittering of something moving up high in the trees, it sounded quite large. Their guide letting out a growl and held his bowcaster at the ready, aiming it above. <"Wyyyschokk! Very dangerous."> He said, a hint of apprehension in his voice. <"Hopefully it is alone..."> Just as he said that a a sound was heard from directly above them and all of them looked up just in time to see a large shape rapidly and somehow in dead silence skitter down and then leap towards the ground, bringing it's target, the padawan Kathlyn down to the ground and screeched with its mandibles as it lunged back to strike and bite down. Kalmi reacted quickly to protect her padawan, striking out at the giant arachnid with her dual bladed sabre while Cyphor attacked from behind and Hayle snapped off some shots at it from her blaster. While Cyphor and Hayle badly miss, probably startled by the appearance of a giant spider the size of a small speeder van in the middle of their group, Kalmi however, driven on to protect her padwan lashed out at the spider which shrieked as the lightsaber cut through one of its legs, successfully making it not bite Kathlyn, but instead made the Wyyyschok focus on her instead. It lashed out with it's front legs as if they were spears but the jedi knight leaped back to evade them and the spider instead stabbed the ground, clacking its mandibles in irritation. “Does this Wyyyschok have any weaknesses?” Cyphor asked as he flicked his sabre to its full dual-phase length and lashed out at the spider again. While Kalmi, now the focus of the creature tried to keep its attention on her. The blood hunters by this stage were reacting as well and aimed at the creature so as not to hit their comrades before opening fire with their blaster rifles. Hayle took a few steps back to be clear of the creatures legs and did much the same. The Wookiee Guide uttered a quick reply. "<"The eyes!"> He shouted as he aimed his bowcaster at the spiders eyes. The Wookiee's fire was devastating as the spiders myriad of eyes were just obliterated by the bowcaster, making the feared predator of Kashyyyk let out a screech, blinded and in pain, unable to dodge or evade the blasterbolts that blasted gaping holes in it's body. Followed by Kalmi who cut off two more legs and then ducked as Cyphor leaped over her, landing on the spiders back and then with a mighty thrust speared the blade into the head of the arachnid, it let out a silent screech as it shuddered and spasmed, before collapsing on the ground... and on the padawan who let out a muffled yelp, but at least she was still alive and not frothing at the mouth filled with spider venom. The Wookiee blinked, this had been too easy and he looked back. <"We need to hurry, there might be more."> Cyphor and Kalmi quickly worked together to shift the Wyyyschoks carcass off of Kathlyn to free the young padawan from the dead weight while the Blood hunters and Hayle kept a sharp eye out for more spiders. With Kathlyn free Cyphor nodded for the guide to lead on before more did arrive. They continued on, taking a different route, away from the spider webs when they thought they were away from danger one of the blood hunters looked up and let out a cry of alarm, seeing four large shapes jumping and leaping from the trees in pursuit of the group, more Wyyyschokk who had caught trace of prey and killed a broodmate. Two of them were close enough to leap right at the bloodhunters, giving them scant seconds to decide what to do, dodge out of the way or stand and open fire. Now fully aware that the eyes were a weak spot the two hunters stood their ground and opened fire, with the Wyyyschoks coming right at them they were unlikely to get such a clear shot again. Their squad mates on the other hand moved to find more defensive' positions from which to shoot the rapidly approaching spiders. Kalmi and Kathlyn stood together with sabres drawn while Cyphor took a slightly more risky prospect and threw his sabre at one of the two leaping spiders, guiding the blade with the force. With the combined fire of the blood hunters, the guide and Hayle one of the spiders was wrecked with blasterbolts as Cyphor's thrown blade cut it neatly in half. The other spider who had been leaping had miscalculated however and with a tumble landed on it's back, wriggling and bucking it's legs, flailing them around. Cyphor readjusted the flight path of his sabre as it began to return to him and directed it towards the Wyyyschok on its back while Hayle and the Blood hunters too the same moment of vulnerability on the spiders part to riddle it with blaster bolts. Kalmi and Kathlyn on the other hand kept an eye on the other two approaching spiders in preparation for their attack. The spider managed to get back to it's footing before Cyphor's saber and the blaster bolts could hit it, even going as far as to sweep the legs of two cathar blood hunters from under them, while the two other spiders leaped, one landing in front of Kalmi and her padawan while the other landed directly behind Hayle. The two hunters that were knocked to the ground quickly scrambled to get to their feet and out of the open while the other three continued firing on the spider that had righted itself. Hayle on the ther hand dived away from the spider behind her, attempting to tuck and roll so that she could come up shooting a the beast while Cyphor moved to flank it once his sabre returned to his hands. Kalmi and Kathlyn worked in concert to take down the spider before them with Kalmi leading the attack. The two blood hunters trying to scramble away were not fast enough as the spider arched its back and brought its legs slamming down, impaling the two cathar, one of them still alive as it tried to reach for a weapon before the spider leaned down and bit the cathar's head clean off. It either ignored the blaster shots that hit it's side or most of the fire went wide. The one in front of Kalmi and Kathlyn was distracted by the jedi knight and clacked it's mandibles lunging at her but failing to hit her while in turn the knight managed to do nothing either. Kathlyn and the Wookiee guide however had more luck, the Wookiee managing to shoots out two of it's eyes while Kathlyn cut apart one of the legs. Hayle had less luck, she stumbled and fell, the third spider rushing over to her, intending to bite down, ignoring Cyphor who rushed towards it to strike. Before the spider could do so, it stopped and sharply turned around, Cyphor could sense it too and turned as well, something large was moving over the ground and suddenly appeared around the bend of a tree, a enormous snake, mouth gaping wide open as it lunged, sinking it's fangs in the surprised spider and tore a large part of the arachnid apart. Cyphor however probably had more interest in the figure riding on the giant snake's back, a robed figure, whose head was obscured with a hood but was wielding a green coloured lightsaber. “Thanks for the assist.” Cyphor called out to the robed figure while he ran to Hayle side and helped her back to her feet, keeping an eye on the heavily wounded spider as he did. “Always someone bigger isn't there.” Hayle said as she checked her blaster. Kalmi, not deterred by her earlier lack of progress pressed on with her attack while Kathlyn attempted to follow through on her previous strike. The remaining Blood Hunters kept up fire on the spider that had killed their squad-mates, aiming for the eyes when they could get a shot. The figure on the snake saluted with his saber and then seemed to give his riding beast a command and it lunged again, tearing the spider completely apart into several pieces, tossing them away. Kalmi, Kathlyn and the Wookiee guide meanwhile managed by working together take down the spider attacking them, the guide once more showing remarkable marksmanship by blinding it even more, making it rear up with pain and fright so the jedi knight and padawan could strike in unison and slay it. Leaping back to avoid the spider body crashing down. The last remaining spider meanwhile slaughtered the bloodhunters, who were lost in some kind of bloodhaze,dropping their blasters and tried to attack it with fang and claw but only allowed the spider to kill them all that quicker. It noticed however that the rest of it's brood were now all dead and it quickly gathered two Cathar corpses and started to skitter up a large Wroshyr tree to escape. Cyphor held up a hand to halt the others from going after the fleeing spider, there was nothing they could truly do for the dead afterall. He then turned to face the Anakkona and the robed figure on its back. “ It is regrettable you could not have arrived sooner friend. My name is Cyphor Fey'lar, who might you be?” The figure deactivated his blade and jumped off the giant snake's back, landing with grace, pausing a moment to pat his mounts side as it began gorging itself on the soft, squishy bits of spider flesh it had exposed. The Wookiee guide looked on in wonder. <"It's Ohrcraahaoac, who managed to tame a Anakkona, impressive."> He bowed in respect to the figure. Clasping his lightsaber to his belt he reached for the hood covering his head and pulled it away, revealing that he was a Kel Dor. "My name is Hal Craan." He said softly, "My apologies that I did not arrive sooner, when I realised the presence I felt was not my adversary and that I in fact had sensed two new presences I was already on the move, luckily." He gestured to the giant snake, "I have local transportation." Cyphor could read from Hal's facial features, despite being obscured by cybernetics so he wouldn't go blind or poison himself, that he was relieved. "I must say it is a relief to meet other jedi, I could use your assistance. I am in pursuit of a dark sider with whom I have crossed paths these last several years and who is now here on Kashyyyk." “I felt them before as well, they struck at me through the force but I was able to protect myself.” Kalmi said as she came up beside Cyphor. “Alllow me to introduce a student of mine, Kalmi rivers, and her padawan Kathlyn Sandpelt.” Cyphor said as he gestured to the two of them in turn. “And Hayle Nightcloud, a former smuggler I met and befriended some years ago.” He then added. The Wookiee Guide nodded, <"Chewadick."> And then glared at the off-worlders as if daring them to laugh if they understood his language. Hal inclined his head just as the Anakkona slithered back and placed it's head beside the Kel-Dor jedi. "It is a genuine pleasure but we should hurry... my adversary crash landed here, as did I, but where my ship was unsalvagable, his only needed a few new components... which I suspect he now has after he forced the locals beasts to attack the cis encampment." “Your adversary doesn't go by the name Khaelesh does he?” Cyphor asked, hoping the answer would be no, while he had a score to settle with Khaelesh eventually he wanted it to be on his terms. Hal seemed to frown, shaking his head. "No... he calls himself Devious, and yes I know but he gave that name to himself, I don't know of any Khaelesh, but if you wish to help me... I would appreciate it but we should leave, right now." “Lead on then, Hal.” Cyphor said as he motioned for the others to be ready to move. Hal just nodded and got on back of the giant snake, just behind the head and gestured for the others. "Excellent, there is no time to waste however, so I hope none of you have a problem riding my friend here. Don't squeeze too tight, he doesn't like that and grab hold of the edges of some of his scales." Hayle backed away at the mention of riding the snake, Cyphor looked questioningly at her as she did. “Oh no, you're not getting me on that thing.” She said Glancing at the snake with a somewhat worried expresion. “Get on.” Cyphor said simply in reply.” “No.” Hayle said just as simply. Cyphor pinched the bridge of his nose and his fur rippled in irritation while the rest of the group climbed onto the snake. “Two choices, Hayle; Stay here and wait for more spiders to arrive, or get on the Anakkona, I don't favour the first option myself so if I have to I will use the force to put you on its back myself.” he said as he gave her a pointed look. “Fine.” Hayle said after a moment as she started foving towards the snake again. “Blast it all, I'm supposed to be the reasonable one.” She said clearly and obviously a bit agrivated. “You know how I hate getting on anything with a mind of its own...” She added in a much quieter voice. “You'll be fine.” Cyphor said in the same quiet tone as he put a hand on her shoulder before he helped her climb up. With everyone else on the snake Cyphor used the force to propel himself up and did a quick check to see that everyone else was secure before gripping the snake himself and nodding to Hal. He nodded back and as their Wookiee guide also got on the snake, prodded the Anakkona's sides and murmured something to the giant snake as it swiftly started slithering over the ground, heading straight into the direction where Kalmi had sensed the dark presence before. They were travelling faster than they would have on foot and their trek was uneventful, they came across a pack of Katarn who lookhungrily at the party on back of the snake but they retreated even so, perhaps the presence of the giant snake the tasty morsels were riding on the deciding factor on that. Eventually they reached a area where they last sensed the presence of the darksider and Hal requested of Cyphor and his Knight to reach out with their senses to pick up the trail once more. They reached out and both Hal and Kalmi felt a fleeting imprint of a presence. Cyphor however was more successful, not only did he sense the presence of the darksider, he also felt two more dark presences near him, sensing the same unnatural hunger and rage as when he sensed the dark side corrupted beast at the attack on the CIS camp. They were not far and Cyphor got the impression that Devious had sensed them as well but instead of attacking like he had before he instead seemed intent to further the distance between them. “He's running, I suspect he realised we outnumber him. Though he has put an obstacle in our path, beasts corrupted by the dark side, I would assume Terentatek based on what I saw and felt at the camp when we arrived but I have never actually faced one so I cannot be certain.” Cyphor said as he hefted his sabre with one hand and prepared to leap from the snake if the occasion called for it, keeping his balance mostly through use of the force. Hal nods slowly, "I see, I trust your senses, I would agree that it might be a Terentatek, I suspect that is why he came here in the first place. I would suggest going straight through... but we coudl also try to get around the Terentateks but risk having them come on us from behind or outflanking us." "Going right through then we know right where they are, we also lose little time assuming we get past them fast enough." Cyphor agreed, "Lets do it." Without further ado Hal urged his mount to continue on their way, the woods became quieter and they even saw some native animals scurry away, as if frightened. The reason for that fear became clear as suddenly the Anakkona reared up and let out a angry hiss. Hal trying to calm it and when he was succesful, the snake returning to normal he turned to Cyphor. "Terentatek straight ahead, best get off." As he got his lightsaber from his belt and readied it. Most of the group did not need to be told getting off was a good idea, indeed Hayle was already on the ground when Hal had turned to speak to Cyphor. “I'm guessing my Blaster won't be of much use against those things either will it.” She said as she considered what she may be able to do to help out. “Blasters don't phase Rancors much so I would guess not.” Cyphor replied, “To the best of my knowledge Terentatek are much like a Rancor, except far more dangerous. We need to eliminate them fast if at all possible.” Chewadick growled and grunted softly, <"If we concentrate our fire we might penetrate it's hide."> Hal was about to say more but with a bestial roar a gigantic creature burst forth from the underbrush, charging straight at the group. Before they could react the Terentatek was upon them, charging straight towards the padawan, who probably should stop looking tasty to predators. The Terentatek's claws ripping gashes in her clothes, drawing blood, but also doing something to the Cathar padawan as she reeled from the attack but was in time to leap back to evade the fangs going for her throat. She stumbled though, blinking as her vision got blurry, something was coursing through her veins from the claw wounds... poison. “Kathlyn!” Kamli exclaimed as the beast finished its attack, She reached out with the force and put a wave of telekenetic energy between the Terentatek and Kathlyn, intending to separate the two via the fastest means at her disposal. Cyphor however did not immediately leap to the attack, he knew there was a second beast out there, though he had lost the sense of it when this one had charged. “Kalmi, this one is yours, any assitance you could provide her would be appreciated Hal.” He said as he scanned the forest with his senses for the second beast. Hal leaped off his mount and gestured to the Terentatek, letting out a surprisingly accurate snake hissing sound at which the Ankkona reared itself up and approached the Terentatek, intending to immobilise it by wrapping itself around its legs or upper body. Chewadick roared a challenge and brought his bowcaster to bear. Hal had problems as he ignited his lightsaber it just fizzled and no blade appeared, cursing softly he began to rapidly press the activation stud to get it to work. he Anakkona was rebuffed by a swipe from the Terentatek who let out another roar as some of the Wookiee Guide's fire reached it. It ignored it however and wanted to take another step towards Kathlyn but then a force wave blast was summoned in to being by Kalmi, pushing the Terentatek away from the padawan almost making it even lose its footing and with a growl it turned around, looking for something else to tear and bite apart, eyes settling on the Kel Dor jedi. With a growl and drool dripping down to the ground the Terentatek attacked Hal. Meanwhile from the side the second Terentatek burst forth, charging straight at Cyphor, but who was expecting it's arrival. Cyphor braced himself for a moment before throwing his sabre at the beasts legs a moment before he leaped upwards intending to land atop the beast, His sabre's path, theoretically would slice into the beasts leg if not sever it outright then arc back up to his hand from behind the beast. The saber flew true and slashes over the armoured side of the Terentateks leg, making the beast falter in it's charge and before it knew what was happening saw it's prey leap into the air and then felt it landing on it's back, growling it tried to reach at the walking meat and bones to grab it but failed to do so as it frantically tried to claw at Cyphor. The other Terentatek meanwhile tried to kill Hal but the Kel Dor proved to be slippery, not slippery enough however as it managed to tear a chunk of flesh from his arm and Hal too felt a bit woozy as the venom started to pump through his body. With the first Terentatek pushed back Kalmi stood over her padawan and ignited the blades of her sabre. “Hayle, help Kathlyn to cover, she is by no means skilled enough for this fight.” She said to the Mirialian smuggler as she prepared to go to Hal's aide. “...I can...” Kathlyn started protesting as a wave of dizziness came over her, Steadying herself a moment she tried again. “I can fight!” She said with a determined tone, her movements betrayed her however as was obviously suffering more than just pain from the claw wounds Kalmi realised. “Let me handle this young one, your training has only just begun, you showed some skill with the spiders but this is a whole different beast, leave it to those with more experience.” She finished before charging the Terentatek herself, planning to take out its legs much as Cyphor had in order to limit its mobility. Hayle moved up to the Padawans side and fired a few shots at the Terentatek, the Cathar girl obviously didn't want to find cover, so Hayle would cover her as best she could herself, the beast had to have somewhere on its force damned hide that wasn't immune to her blaster fire. Cyphor meanwhile had recovered his sabre from its arc and positioned himself so he could drive the blade down into the beasts brain, theoretically the fastest way to ensure its death. Flicking the blades dual phase switch to give him the full length of his blade he plunged it downwards at the beast. They were not having much effect on the beasts, Hal reeling from the bite and the poison tried to maintain his focus as he wanted to use the plants around them to trap the beast but he was sluggish and could not concentrate. Kalmi and Hayle had no luck either while Cyphor needed to abort his attack and hold on for dear life as the Terentatek he was on started to trash and shake. The Anakkona became enraged however, seeing it's friend get bitten and with a hiss wrapped itself around the terentatek and managed to pin it's arms to it's sides and started squeezing and biting, for the moment this Terentatek was restrained. It was not going to let it though as it tried to break free to use it claws on the giant snake. Meanwhile the other Terentatek with Cyphor was still intent on trying to claw Cyphor off it's back. The ensnared Terentatek tried to break free but instead found the giant snake constricting itself tighter, roaring in rage it tried to bite the reptile but even failed to do that. The Terentatek with Cyphor had more luck, one claw failed but the other managed to grab the Jedi and drag it from his back, claw scraping through his clothes into his side, but it seems Cyphor's physical strength could handle the little amount of venom that entered his body. The Bothan jedi however was now held by the Terentatek, who was bringing it ever so close to it's mouth. Luckily his arm with his lightsaber was not restrained however. Cyphor saw the opportunity that his precarious position gave him and Waited for the moment he was close enough to get a solid strike inside the Terentateks mouth, if he couldn't strike at the brain from above, well through the mouth worked just as effectively, if not more so. Kalmi focused on the Terentatek restrained by the Anakkona, With its movement restricted she aimed to leap atop it and try to duplicate the move Cyphor had failed in. Hayle also kept up fire of the restrained beast, doing her best to aim for the ryrs, the mouth, its nose... did it even have a nose?... anything that wasn't protected by its thick hide... Kathlyn had however decided that she was going to fight afterall, and with Hayle busy trying to place her shots she had stopped watching the padawan who was now moving to attack the Terentatek that held Cyphor. The restrained Terentak remained this way and let out a roar, just as Kalmi jumped on top and stabbed her saber into it's open mouth, missing the brain but managing, together with Hayle to blind the beasts as one of it's eyes was shot and the other stabbed through with a lightsaber. Cyphor meanwhile was flailing wildly but the dark side beast reared it's head and mouth back just in time, Kathlyn felt the poison in her system weaken her further and missed her strike. Chewadick had discarded his bowcaster and ran towards Cyphor and with a mighty roar had reached for the arm holding the Jedi and started tugging it down, not allowing the beast to just put the jedi in his mouth. The Terentatek blinded, now enraged with mad fury was biting and snarling without regard and viciously tore into the Anakkona who shuddered and released the Terentatek, vicious wounds close to it's head, scales ripped off by the dark side beast. But somehow miraculously still alive. Chewadick... was not so fortunate as he was impaled one the claws of the free claw and then hurled aside against a tree. No longer moving... or breathing. His sacrifice had not been in vain however as he had managed to restrain the arm just in time as the beast also tried to bite a chunk of flesh from Cyphor, the jaws closing on empty air instead of the bothan jedi. Cyphor was beginning to think the universe was conspiring against him as he just avoided being bitten at the cost of their guides life. Pushing such thoughts aside he instead focused on the living force, its ebb and flow. Letting his mind sync with the force he struck out at the Terentatek again with his sabre, letting the force guide his stroke towards ending the creature. Kathlyn was still resolved to fight even with the poison sapping her strength however, she moved in on the Terentatek holding Cyphor again and attacked. Hayle and Kalmi on the other hand were still trying to put down the beast that had just eviscerated the Anakkona. Hayle aiming for the mouth while Kalmi tried again to put her sabre through its brain from her precarious perch atop the Beast. Cyphor managed to strike a glancing blow but the blade did not penetrate the armour of the beast, neither had Kathlyn's blade any effect and she started to feel a bit woozy as black spots started to appear before her eyes. Kalmi and Hayled worked in concert, Kalmi slashed at the blinded, enraged beast who reared up, roaring madly as it tried to dislodge her, allowing the smuggler to benefit from a nice targets of a open mouth as she fired several blasts into it. The Terentatek shuddered and started to fall to the ground, Kalmi jumping off it quickly as the beast collapsed, quite dead. Hal was experiencing vision problems and sluggish feelings as well thanks to the poison but he tried to still be of assistance. Being somewhat succesful by using the force to have some plants nearby quickly wrap itself around the head of the still living Terentatek, it could break through them but it was slower as it roared in irritation, all it wanted was to feed on succulent, force enriched meat! Enraged it lashed out at Kathlyn, the poison slowing her down, unable to dodge as the claws stabbed into her stomach and then she was hurled away, still breathing but severly injured. The plants around its neck proved to be more sturdy than imagined and all the Terentak snapped its jaws at was air. “Damnit.” Cyphor muttered as he attempted to slice the beasts hand that held him off at the wrist, he was tired of hanging around and obviously his approach was getting nowhere. Kalmi on the other hand had to resist the impulse to run to Kathlyns aide, the young padawan would have to wait until this last Terentatek was dead or it could mean death for all of them. Instead she charged for the beast, striking to hamstring it while its mobility was limited to a degree by the vines Hal had manipulated. Hayle on the other hand simply pivoted and started trying to duplicate her shots from the one that had just fallen, eyes, mouth, anything that was vulnerable. Cyphor slashed his blade, this digging it past the natural resistant armour and into flesh, with a painful roar it let go of the bothan jedi, only to roar again as Hayle shot out one of it's eyes. More vines appeared, further restraining the Terentatek when Kalmi appeared on the scene. She slashed rapidly, hamstring the creature who let out a whimpered scream and fell forwards as Kalmi jumped on it's back and suddenly felt inspiration, channelling the force almost like she did for a force push or force wave but now more focused and then lashed out, repeatedly, striking at the back of the terentatek's head, somehow channelling a force push to 'stab' through the armour, soften it up finishing the beast with her sabre, killing it. Both Terentateks were death and they could let otu a sigh of relief, that when they became aware of the sound of someone slowly clapping his hands together, turning around to see a figure, his clothing a little torn up and mired by dirt and leaves. "Well... that was disappointing... do any of you know how long it took to control those two without them trying to kill me?" “Maybe they decided you would taste rotten.” Cyphor replied sarcastically as he got to his feet. “Do you have any idea how irritating it was to fight them?” The dark side cocked his head, "For some reason, I don't really care." And reached out with his hands, as if showing he was without weapons and smiled. "I actually think you ought to show me some proper respect... and fear." A wave of dark side emotions suddenly radiated out from the dark sider and all of them felt it's effects, pain, despair, utter terror. The weakened Hal and the Anakkona were out for the count, Kalmi let out a shriek of terror, suddenly seeing images of herself stabbing her own padawan and then Cyphor through their chests and collapses, sobbing. Hayle was raising her blaster already but suddenly froze, sheer panic gripping her heart as time seemed to freeze and she saw the dark sider calmly walk forwards and beheaded Cyphor... Kalmi, Kathlyn... everyone was dying and she could do nothing to stop it. Cyphor for a moment seemed to succumb but then managed to ward off the mental assault and straightened, no fear or terror gripping his heart. Devious looked disappoint and let out a snort. "Fine, you have some skills. I grant you that..." “I've faced your kind before.” Cyphor said with a shrug before leaping at the darksider, igniting his sabre in mid-jump to strike. Devious widened his eyes and with a curse jumped to the side as Cyphor stabbed his saber into the ground and he growled. "I have faced your kind before too." He said with utter hatred as he drew a lightsaber and then let out a wave of the force to hurl the bothan back. But Cyphor's footing saved him and the force wave did absolutely nothing. Cyphor said nothing and switched to an Ataru stance pressing his apparent advantage as he struck out with a flurry of fast strikes at Devious. Devious widened his eyes, this bothan was fast as he parried, too fast as the strike was a feint and the bothan jedi slashed a gash in his arm and leg, making him howl with pain as he felt the lightsaber burn and cauterize the wounds inflicted upon him. "You will die, this I swear!" He said and let lightning burst forth from his fingertips of his free hand, but his aim was spoiled due to his wounds and the lightning flew harmlessly over Cyphor's head. Cyphor again chose not to respond, focusing on the fight and harnessing his feelings, the urge to protect those he cared for, the knowledge that Kathlyn needed treating sooner rather than later and finally that emotion his old master would have scolded him for utilising, anger. The thing his old master had not understood about Cyphor was that he refused to let the anger control him. Like a fire can provide warmth and comfort if controlled, or destroy homes and lives if let to burn freely. Cyphor used the anger as a resource, always mindful that his other, more positive feelings and intentions must remain at the forefront. All this in mind he struck out at the darksider with another series of attacks. He dodged the first strike and was about to counter with a vicious parry but instead screamed as his hand holding his lightsaber was cut off by the bothan jedi, looking at his stump he let out a scream of utter rage. "ALWAYS YOU FOOLS MEDDLE!" He shouted just as he unleashed a storm of lightning, it hurled the bothan back, some tufts of his furr burning a little with the electrical discharge, Cyphor had minor injuries but he would live, the darksider, looked a bit worse for wear, the storm had been in such a close proximity that he had burned some of his own face with lightning, he let out a shudder and turned, running as fast as he could. Cyphor stood quickly, suppressing the pain of his injuries as best he could, others had been hurt worse afterall and he was the only one capable of stopping the darksider for now. Reversing his grip on his sabre he cocked it over his shoulder like a spear and threw it, enhancing the trajectory and speed of the throw with the force. Some might claim striking an enemy in the back was cowardly, Cyphor preferred to think of it as a prudent survival tactic. The saber flew true and impaled Devious in the lower spine, he shouted in agony and fell to the ground, crawling and then screamed again. "My legs! I cant feel my legs!" Cyphors sabre returned to his hand and the bothan Jedi approached the fallen darksider warily. He had shown himself strong in the force already, and while he was presently unable to run away or indeed fight back physically at all he was far from defenceless. Cyphor focused inward for a moment and elt the force flow through him as he prepared to use his arts to counter any force attacks the downed enemy may try. “Why are you here?” He asked sternly when he was closer, not even sure if Devious could hear him over his own screams. Devious whimpered and... even seemed to cry, looking up at the Bothan. "You spoiled it... you ruined it, why, all I wanted was something for myself.... I wanted to prove myself.... why!" He let out a blast of lightning but it went nowhere near Cyphor and instead Devious cried more. “I can understand that drive,” Cyphor replied. “The culture of my people thrives on it.” He elaborated a moment later as he got a good look at the darksider and realised he was but a boy, barely twenty years old by his estimation. “Who was it you hoped to prove yourself to?” He then asked, his voice mellowing to the same tone he had used with his students in the past when trying to offer some comfort during their training. Devious gritted his teeth and tried to spit at Cyphor's feet but instead only made the spit land on his chin. "Why should I tell you... it is of no purpose anymore." “If it no longer matters then why not tell me,” Cyphor replied “As is the way of the sith your master has likely abandoned you, you've already been stuck here for months afterall.” He shudders and looked at Cyphor, empty eyes. "I have no master... I was... I learned... from books... from the voice of the... of the holocron.... he taught me, gave me secrets.... I only wanted... a master. Needed a tribute I thought... or I would never be taken... Terentateks were tribute... all is lost now, you ruined it." The hatred Cyphor sensed directed at his person was immense. “The Sith are not the only teachers in the galaxy. They also have a nasty habit of turning on each other over time.” Cyphor replied. “Others in the galaxy ask a much lower price to share their knowledge.” Cyphor cocked his head to the side for a moment before speaking again. Besides, if you only learned from books and a holocron who did you hope to offer your tribute too? The sith in my experience don't exactly put out help wanted signs advertising who they are.” He looked up at Cyphor and cursed at him, "I will never tell you... kill and be done with it... I no longer care." “I do not kill for the joy of it.” Cyphor replied. “And if you no longer care then you truly have nothing left to lose, Your wounds can be treated, your body healed. Try a different way, take a leap of faith, and you have nothing but gains awaiting you. He looked up at cyphor.... and... reached out with his hand... and then turned the fingertips towards his own face and unleashed the lightning, screaming one final time, a scream of rage, pain, despair but ultimately utter hatred to defy the jedi who had ruined his plans as he cooked and burned off his own flesh and then... stopped, no longer breathing and no longer even recognisable. Cyphor sighed heavily, he had hoped the boy might not have been completely lost to the dark side, it seemed that he had been after all. So Syphor went back to the others and woke Kalmi and Hal before suppressing the effects of the darksiders attack on Hayle so that she could snap out of her waking nightmare. Kalmi set about trying to use the force to heal what injuries she could, first herself so that she could focus properly and then moved on to the others. The fight had drained her however an she found there was little she could do for their injuries short of stabilising Kathlyn and preventing her from bleeding out on the forest floor. She even managed to stabilise the Anakona much to Hals gratitude. The Team stayed mostly silent after Cyphor filled them in on his confrontation with the darksider, most of them felt exhausted and yet they all knew that they still needed to get out of the shadowlands. Hal took the initiative and lead them to Devious' ship, a Republic Nu-class shuttle that had seen better days. The party climbed aboard and searched the shuttle, finding the holocron Devious had spoken about which stayed quite inert before Cyphor locked it away for saftey. They also found several chests filled with credit chits and bonds totalling roughly four million credits. With the shuttle thorughly searched from top to bottom Cyphor sat at the controls and piloted the shuttle back to Kachirho and everyone buy Cyphor transferred to the Nightclouds Reward. Cyphor meanwhile spoke with the Wookiees, told them of the events that had happened and expressed his remorse that one of their own had died in the process. He also met a smuggler that had arrived in their absence and learned of a hole that the fleets in orbit were not watching with which they could make a clean escape. Thanking the smuggler Cyphor returned to the waiting ships and informed Hayle of the hole. With little purpose to stay planetside and several reasons to make haste to a proper medical facility the two ships lifted off and left Kashyyyk, examining their options they entered hyperspace and headed for the Kwenn system when hayle recived a time delayed message from Cha'alla that she had taken the risk vs reward to Neia Kahlessi's station in the system. [Hider=Summary] After some tricky flying Cyphor makes it down to Kashyyyk. Some misunderstandings with the wookiees are cleared up and the group proceed to the shadowlands. Spiders! Snake! On shit, oh shit, oh shit, Terentateks! Injuries, oh my! Darksider! Forcestorm! Departure. Gains made; 1 Sith holocron, stubbornly inert. 1 Nu class shuttle, second hand and repaird. 400 SP 1 Jedi Knight that is totally not a tech preist. Cyphor, Kathlyn and Hal injured for three weeks, Hals snake is also injured for a month.[/hider]