[i]"Mr. Tadashi, please let me go to the nurse's office, I believe I have a fever and I'm burning up. Please tell me the homework as well."[/i] The teacher looked up at Masaru over the rim of his glasses, squinting slightly to give him a scrutinizing gaze. He'd seen similar situations before. There was at least one student every year that made themselves sick with anxiety on the first day of school. He gave a short nod in Masaru's direction and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He opened his mouth to reply, but was cut short by Evangeline's shouts. [i]"Masaru! This backpack has sealed our destiny as friends!"[/i] A short, amused chuckle left Mr. Tadashi's lips as he turned his attention back to Masaru. [b]"I'll write you a pass to the infirmary."[/b] He took a slip of yellow paper out of one of his drawers and began filling out the necessary information, then held it out to Masaru. He scanned the classroom quickly before his eyes landed on Evangeline, who was still holding Masaru's bag. [b]"Evangeline, would you please accompany your seatmate and bring his bag with you. Here's your homework."[/b] He handed them their assignment and retuned to his paperwork, but not before adding [b]"Use your map or the signs to find the infirmary, and don't goof around in the hallways."[/b] -------- [i]"There's ... no need to be shy, really."[/i] Tyler glanced up at those words, peering at his seat mate curiously through his bangs. It was hard to tell if she was trying to convince him or herself of that. He shrugged in response and cast his eyes down again, still spinning the stick between his fingers. He'd been told that ever since he could remember, some people even shouting it at him in frustration. It was a bit different coming from Maiko though. She seemed shy as well, yet she was putting it aside in an attempt to make friends. He felt it was the least he could do to try the same. [i]"Assuming that we already know each other.....let's be good friends, yeah?"[/i] Tyler gave a small nod and took her hand in his, giving it a gentle shake. [b]"Yeah, um, thanks."[/b] He returned her smile with a small grin of his own, mentally analyzing what he had said. He started to doubt his choice in words almost immediately. Why had he said thanks? Sure, he was grateful that she was eager to get along and talk to him, but would she know that was what he was thanking her for? Of course not. Normal people don't thank others just for talking to them. Maybe if he said something else she would forget he said that. [b]"So, what clubs did you sign up for"?[/b] There, that was better. The blush on his cheeks had gradually darkened to a soft red that contrasted against his pale skin and made his freckles stand out.