Name: Tala Warren Age: 28 Gender: female Occupation: Detective in RPIT Type of Lycanthrope: Werewolf - second in command of Blue Rose Pard - Ulfric *leader* of the wolves within the Pard, honorary member of the Wind Racer Clan (local werewolves) Are you an alpha? Yes If yes - what alpha abilities do you have? Resist Transforming, Partial Shape Shifting, Hold a Vampire’s Gaze, Command Animals, Suppress Aura Additionally - she can resist, and even interrupt, the call of a vampire and does so to help the Wind Racer Clan as well as her own wolves. She has enough control over her beast and enough power that she does not need to feed immediately after changing into a wolf, nor does she need to sleep after reverting back into a human but is simply tired afterward. How did you become a lycanthrope? Survived an attack Are you in the closet about being a lycanthrope? Partially - she does not spread the word, but those she works with know she is a lycanthrope Physical Description: Human form - Extremely curly, dark grey verging on black colored, hair cascades down to about mid-back, which she usually wears up in a high ponytail to try to keep it out of her face - though a few strands curl down next to her almond shaped, amber colored eyes. She has a lithe body - not exactly petite, but slender like someone who works out regularly. Her skin is a soft almost mocha color - like the color of coffee with a decent amount of cream to it. She's average height - about 5'6 - and is attractive, though she downplays it while at work - preferring to just be pretty without makeup rather than attractive with make up. She wears a gold cross and a set of dog tags on the same chain - both of which belonged to her father - at all times. She may not have tiny fangs instead of canines like some others that spent more time in animal form than human, and she does have a bit of a gravelly/growling tone to her voice if she doesn't pay attention to it - most times it sounds like a voice perfect for phone sex. Animal form - Gray wolf Biggest Fear: being kicked off the force for being a lycanthrope/being discriminated against for being a lycanthrope Greatest Accomplishment: becoming a detective for the RPIT Any strange eccentricities? twirls her hair around while she fills out paperwork/reads through something, thinks out loud - usually when she's trying to figure something out for a case Any Bad Habits? drums her fingers on her desk when she's thinking, will put the bottom of pens in her mouth if she is thinking (combined with hair twirling) Brief History: Tala grew up the oldest of three children in a biracial home - her father is Caucasian, her mother is African American. She always looked up to her father, who was a cop for most of his life. One day, while he was on a case, he was attacked by a lycanthrope - who he killed in self-defense. He survived the attack, only to transform into a lycanthrope the next month. No one was prepared for this occurrence, and nine year old Tala was the only one out of the others of her family to survive the attack; while she was in the hospital recovering, he turned himself in and was executed immediately. For a long time, she feared her beast, and disappeared from the lycanthrope foster family that took her in after the attack. After years of being thought a runaway, she returned with others that had been abducted - no longer in fear of her beast and with a great level of control over it. She was adopted by her best friend’s family and finished her GED there. It was difficult, but she managed to keep her secret all through the police academy and even after passing the detective exam by the age of 24; ever since receiving her badge, she worked for RPIT. Two years ago, they had a run in with a rogue vampire that injured her and she came out to her partner before he could help stop the bleeding; word spread around the department, and enough higher ups found out and she has been passed over four times for promotions now, unless she were to sue and reveal to the entire force what she is.