Changed some Knight-Arms text to make less obvious stuff more obvious. Nerfed Fae, buffed Seith. Put some more Q&A. Reworked stats. I hope I have clarified some things in terms of balance, yes, overall you could call the powerlevel "weaker" than Fate (and Fortissimo). Rules and Flags will follow. [quote=Smooth]What counts as within the island, if one were to plant an Yggdrasil Seed, say, underwater on the outer edges of the island?[/quote] Would be possible, the further a Fae is away from the Seed the weaker it is though, clarified that more in their section. [quote=Smooth]Question 2,3, whatever. If I understand correctly, participants of this ritual are aware of the the ritual itself and what it requires, yes? Are methods of forcibly exhausting an opponent's mana considered commonplace? If for example someone were to focus on killing their opponent as quickly as possible, without the opportunity of retaliation, that would lead to a case of that opponent's magic being mostly converted to vim, yes? Is it within the realm of possibilities that if this someone were to kill most of the participants in the fashion, that there would not be enough Qnd produced to renew the Seal?(note, I just want to know for the sake of the knowing how the setting works. This scenario doesn't work in a pvp-themed roleplay, naturally)[/quote] Yes, there wouldn't be enough Qnd to renew the Seal. The Fateweaver COULD interfere if that method is mainly used, sorta unspoken rule, that must not mean he kills the assassin but instead could maybe even help improve the killers technique, like adding a "Manaburning" effect to a poison or something.