Despite careful scrutiny of the map he'd gotten from the counter, Sebastian hadn't been able to find any church along Locust Street. In the end he'd ended up wandering the surrounding area hoping to catch a glimpse of a clock tower or steeple. Antigonish seemed to have decided to follow along for whatever reason, keeping pace with him as a shadow or skulking around behind him. After several minutes of this Sebastian had almost given up on finding the church, only to look to his left and see it, clear as day. He didn't know how he'd missed it before. Probably all the winding roads. He shrugged and went in. There was a decent spread of food on the table, though he had to wonder at some of the options. Why would a church group provide raw meat and mice as refreshments? Out of the corner of his eye he saw Antigonish standing near the mice, head tilted almost quizzically. He grinned to himself. He had to admit, he'd never wondered what the shadow ate. It followed him nearly all hours of the day and night so he'd assumed it didn't need to. But he didn't know where it went when he wasn't looking; it could've been hunting for a meal for all he knew. [i]It's nice if you want to meet new people,[/i] he thought at it. [i]But make sure they can see you too or you'll never get anywhere.[/i] There was no response, of course. A lot of the people from breakfast were here too, the messy girl (who'd changed her clothes and was no longer as messy) introducing herself as Tallah. Well, there was his conversation starter right there. His interaction with Parker had gone okay. This should be easy enough. He walked towards the group. "Hey!" He smiled at Tallah. "The deacon talked to you at breakfast too, right? Did you bring a friend?"