Little Suggestion! [hider=Point System] -Every character is going to be equal to one another but have different skills. -One-on-one brawls are evenly matched where an agreement can be made for the outcome. -Points- -There would be eighteen points with a three point limit to distribute between any range of skills you would like. -The students would be completely average (or bad) in every area that isn't awarded any points. That means if you don't have any points in 'Wealth', then your character is basically a homeless person. -Zero points of wealth is living without income or very low class, without resources. One point is middle class. Two points is upper middle class with a nice home. Three points is exceptionally wealthy. -One skill can have four points as their 'Main Skill' or focus. This is their specialty that sets them apart. Potions: Charms: Transfiguration: Herbology: Divination: Magic Lore and History: Defense Against the Dark Arts: Care of Magical Creatures: Ancient Runes/Arithmancy: Flying: Dueling: Dark Magic: (You must get permission to have four points) Wealth/Home: Magic Item: Special Skill: Legillimancy, Occlumancy, Metamorph (four points and permission) Animagi: (Four points and must be granted permission) [/hider]