Manson reached his right arm behind the back of his head, and began massaging the back of his neck. He tilted his head to the left and gave a grin. Chad was the one to answer his question with a “Nope, nothing at all, other than beer,” Dean spoke as well, “Yep. Few beers and few cigarettes, nothing interesting. We seem to be heading to the cafeteria, so don't get left behind again alright? This place just spells bad vibes." And motioned for Manson to join the group. He looked at the group with a grin plastered across his face. He couldn’t shake the unease this place gave him. “Hey, speaking of beers, mind passing me one?” Manson stuck to the group, ignoring whatever they had been saying and instead, trying to shake his unease with excuses running through his mind. [i]It’s all in your head man, this place is dead. Nothing is alive here anymore. What’s the worst that could happen? This place is empty, nothing is alive in here except us. God, don't go losing your mind, you've only just gotten here. C'mon man, get it together. You're only panicking because of that moment you'd been left alone. [/i] It was an unease that he could feel physically, stretching into his gut. He decided to hide any unease he was feeling with a fake smile, knowing that it was most likely all just in his head.