Mark thought back on the events of the little club meeting as he waited for the rest of the team to show up at the dock. He'd arrived fairly early, having already been wearing his armor and weapons and just needed to head back to his dingy apartment to grab the single duffle bag's worth of belongings before heading out. He had chuckled at his old crew mate's responses to his not so thinly veiled shot across the bow. "You guys still get that story wrong," he growled back, "and I'm always zen. Even when I'm punching people. Not sure why it matters anyway, you didn't call me down here so I could give you fashion tips." Any further verbal sparring would have to wait however as the meeting officially began. Hed gazed on with cynical thoughts tumbling through his brain, relatively uninterested and unconvinced with Tanya's speech up until she said that Siame was already on their way and pointed out one of the batarians as Kesik. Mark's gun hand instinctively twitched at the thought of such a valuable bounty being so close at hand. And he began running through strategies to take him down in that moment. Direct approach? Just get up and ventilate him? No, that would start a free for all most likely. Flash bang first then ventilate him? Nope. He'd suffer the effects as well and still be in the middle of a room filled with trigger happy mercs and criminals. Hed cursed himself for not choosing a more tactically superior spot. Well, it hardly mattered, even if he did manage to get away unscathed, Siame Ind. would still be a massive thorn in his side. Better to bide his time and see how everything plays out. Instead he just shook his head at Tanya's audacity. Crazy bitch [i]would[/i] have the target on its way before hand, giving everybody minimal time to prepare. Really wasn't surprising considering past experiences. Speaking of everybody, he gave some of the others a quick look over, and wasn't especially motivated by what he saw. Some of the rooms occupants looked like they'd never even held a gun before let alone taken a life. But then there were some promising prospects as well. Tanya and Kosso were proven fighters if a bit flighty. The batarians would likely be an asset, as would the Viking he'd seen in the street earlier. The quarians and salarians could fall either direction, but they couldn't be counted out yet. And then there was the rickety turian who, interestingly enough, turned out to be Sleuth. They'd worked for each other in the past and the info broker could definitely offset his disabilities with tech skill. Maybe this wouldn't be such a disaster after all. Then the female drell whipped out a cooler full of krogan balls. Mark drew a hand down his face with exasperation. "Great. Here we go." Everybody who spoke after that didn't depress him as much. Unlike most of the other occupants, the batarians didn't bother him anymore than the turian did -although the turian did bother him a bit. He'd never been able to drop his grudge from the First Contact War entirely-. He could hardly fault the batarians for whatever background in slaving they had considering humans had been doing it to each other almost as long as they've existed, and likely still were in the less developed areas of Earth. Besides, it's not like killing people for money was a morally superior occupation. The Viking caught his attention when he name dropped a mister "Kovlov." [i]Ah,[/i] Mark thought, [i]so this must be the infamous "Enforcer." I may not like his tactics, but at least he's not green as a drell laying in grass.[/i] Speaking of, the testicle collector decided at that moment to have some kind of panic attack and fell to ground cursing. Mark watched on flatly, exhaling a cloud of smoke as the woman recovered. "Well then," he said as he got to his feet before delivering his next line deadpan, "anybody else feel like having a seizure before we get shot at? No? Just checking." With that, he'd walked out the door to prepare for Siame's arrival. Memory complete, Mark returned his attention to the schematics that Tanya had sent everybody. He leaned against a railing on dock E-15 taking shots from his flask while studying the floor plans and deciding ahead of time the best way to approach each hall and doorway. The hacking team would be arriving soon along with his salarian backup. While Aran would definitely be a hinderance as far as the combat went, Mark was hoping that between him and Jaerdi, they could defend the techs adequately. Most of the combat would likely be on the docks proper when Siame showed up, and Mark was more than happy to be in a position that would be easy to slip away from if the ambush crew cocked everything up.