Manson didn’t even notice Leah approach him, but her voice broke through his train of thought. “Are you okay?” she asked, having seen through his mask. Manson dropped his fake smile. It’d be no use attempting to lie to her, she knew him too well. “This place…” he said, his brow furrowing. “Do you know what’s up with it? I feel like there’s something always looking over me” He looked at her worried expression. He brought back his smile and gave a wave of his hand, dismissing the thought. “It’s probably just me though. I guess I’m not the best when it comes to this late night horror junk. Heh heh… Seriously though Lee, you don’t have to worry about me. I’m fine.” Her concern had helped him though. It kind of felt like he’d regained his composure, as well as lost some of that unease he had been feeling a moment ago. He oughta thank her later.