It certainly wasn't what he'd expected. The Ministry's staff entrances detected the Imperius curse. He stood slowly and watched his mind reel. He could hear Caroline's voice booming, bouncing off each wall and passing into a still panicking crowd. This man was either cursed from the inside or their defenses were down. Chances were learning towards the latter. He dared not to think who exactly had turned everything off. He knew it would be someone higher up. He also knew they weren't alone in the Ministry. He'd seen dozens of reports and files against various members of the staff, all with very little effort. George had even sat in on a trial, watching someone be accused of various 'unthinkable' acts. Without evidence, however, nothing could be done. Veritiserum wasn't used unless it was completely required. He still felt angry. The man's eyes were still glazed, even as George looked in. Someone was on the other end and he had no idea who. The sounds of people hurrying to leave finally returned to George's mind. He turned to look at the door, spotting Caroline as she entered her office, or what was left of her office. Above him, he could hear screams, below he could hear the same. This was happening on every floor. They were attacking. He would thank Caroline for calming the crowds down later; providing he didn't get killed. There were plenty of other spells that could kill a man instead of simply 'Avada Kedavra'. It wasn't just the Death Eaters, the snatchers and the worst of Azkaban that had taken lives either. He knew Auror's took them on a regular basis. Murder was legal for an army. Hit Wizard laws were different. Murder in self-defense was accepted. A dangerous and hostile target should still be restrained for a trial. Auror's were advised to take them down at first notice. George retrained his grip on his wand and turned his eyes back to Caroline. The sound of their own Minister echoed past his ears. It was worrying to hear exactly what he was saying. Chances were everyone would leave, at least most. There would be the few who believed themselves strong enough, having the mental ability to kill or seriously maim the humans before them. Problem was, very few of those who would stay had that mental ability. Most of them were already doing that job. He knew not many of them would survive the attack and he knew most of those would be Auror's or Hit Wizard's like himself. Very few civilian wizard's would survive. He stood up and turned towards Caroline. He quickly shook his head. "Caroline, no." He commented, choosing to stay still for the moment. "You have to leave, just like everyone else. Get home, go to your parents and stay inside. Down there isn't going to be safe, its not even going to be easy. You have a family, parent's who'd miss you. You can't just throw your life in the hat for the Minister. There are people who can handle it, who are strong enough. Caroline, you're not strong enough. You may think you are but really look inside, you wouldn't end a life if it really came down to it. You couldn't push forwards when people on either side dropped or howled in sheer agony. They won't fight like school kids." He paused and walked towards her. "You've never seen an Unforgivable, have you? Most people cannot cast them. It takes a certain type of person to cast something so powerful. Offensive magic may be something that demands power and we all know the strongest can perform insane amount without even uttering a word. You're talented at charms, Quinn, but you're not the type of person for that. You're a healer, not a fighter. You're meant to pick up the pieces when people like me have gone. No matter what the outcome, you're the kind of person who repairs people's spirits and gives them reason to carry on. You're not a fighter, Caroline." He walked out into the hall and pointed down along the halls. "Get out whilst you can. Apirate home and get with your family, use a safe house if you can. I would even encourage the use of a Secret Keeper, stay out of sight until the Ministry gives word." George made a break along the empty side of the hall, pushing the occasional person out of his way. He had hoped his speech would have been enough to deter Caroline Quinn. He wasn't a public speaker, he never gave the empowering speeches others did. The Minister was there for that. He just hoped she'd have the sense to listen to him and head home. He didn't want her death on his hands, it was the last thing he needed. They would have a lot of cleaning up to do, no matter the results. He pushed his way into the lifts, elbowing a younger man out of his way. He would be in the Atrium within minutes, standing along side a group he knew well and a group he knew were stronger than anyone else in the Ministry. Despite Scrimgeour being a lot older than himself, as previous Head Auror, George felt safe in his hands. They would stand strong, fight, probably die and hopefully win. It occurred to none of them that it wasn't possible. Sheer forces alone couldn't take on the Death Eaters, no one seemed to even consider the fact. George pushed his way out of the elevator, almost breaking the thick metal fencing that kept everyone safe. The atrium was already filling, mostly with those dressed in black, like himself, but also with random employees who seemed to think that taking part would bring them valor and an ability to survive the entire ordeal. It would only take one spell before they'd be another number on the body count.