Okay, so I guess we're making it that everyone will be a fifth year student. However, I will no longer encourage multiple characters. That being said, everyone is allowed to play at least one student and one professor if she so desires. I will not be making a time table. Classes aren't THAT important where we need to know the schedule for the entire day. Furthermore, I don't think I have the right amount of knowledge to make one properly. That being said, if you guys really see it as that important, you can make one and I will follow it. In regard to the length of class time, if I see it lasting too long, I will cut it short. I've never done an HP RP before but I cannot possibly fathom why people would get stuck in class, lol. But if you guys say it happens, I will be particularly aware of such an occurrence. Discussing the class time in OoC to shorten the IC is more work than we need. I think we should, as role players, be able to get through this without having to go to such lengths. I honestly hate making maps and thus it will be torture for me to make a layout... but I can and will. A daily weather forecast? Before I instantly reject this idea I would like to ask why do you think this would be necessary? In regard to the point system, I like it, but I'm not sure if it is necessary. I think to make it simpler, in the character skeleton we include skills strengths/weaknesses. Furthermore, the point system doesn't work when making professor characters unless we allow professors to have more points to spend. Ty betelgeuse for the links! :) - - - - - I will start making the OoC. However, I don't think Ill be able to post it until these matters are resolved.