[b]Breakdown-Central Park-Civilians[/b] Dave was walking around the park, getting weird glances here and there. He had grown quite used to them by now and just wanted to continue his peaceful walk. He even bought a hot dog, no toppings or anything since he couldn't actually taste it but he still needed to eat. For some reason. As Dave walked down the a side walk, he popped the whole hot dog in his mouth. Not really any point to saver it, it just instantly was broken down and he absorbed the nutrients. With that in mind, Dave looked at a tree. It was a pretty tree, with nice leaves, healthy bark, and the contrast of colors made the rest of the city pop up a bit more. He really liked the park. As Dave watched the tree his peace was shattered when a large crunching noise and screams of terror. "Uh oh" He thought to himself. That thought became more urgent when he heard a larger crunch, after that Dave went at a dead sprint towards the noises. The scene of the crime wasn't pretty, people running, stuff flying everywhere, and two Meta's fighting. As it looked like both had super strength of some sort it was hard for Dave to know which one was the attacker and which the defender, but he could hazard a guess. However that didn't matter as he saw people still trapped in the bus that had been crushed. Rushing towards it Dave could see people hurt... or worse. While disengaging his gloves Dave said, "Everybody step back!" and placed his hands against the side of the bus, disintegrating a large hole that people could leave from. As the people left the bus, Dave reengaged his gloves and started to help the more injured people out of the bus.