Chad looked at his friends gathered in the lobby; Jackie at least looked content now the speaker docks were in play, but Manse was looking edgy. Leah was speaking to him in hushed tones, but he could tell the conversation was about the hospital's creepy feel. Truth be told, the more Chad was there, the less he felt intimidated by the whole place. It was just an old building, with a colourful history and a great deal of partying potential. Though, that partying potential weren't going to materialise in the lobby - the place was a dump. The cafeteria looked like a shore fire idea. "Yo, Wallace, wait up," yelled Chad, his echo bouncing around the hospital's empty depths. As he went to head off, he stopped and looked at Jackie. "Any trouble shows up, gimme a hollah and we'll come back." Wallace had moved on down the corridor. His flash light was wavering across the decapitated walls, and Chad could see him clearly silhouetted by its strong rebounding rays. Starting at a mild jog, he quickly caught up with him - before painfully forgetting he'd left his crate of bud behind. [i]Ah well, I can come back for it once we find somewhere worth staying.[/i] Wallace turned to face Chad, and it was obvious something was troubling him. Chad guessed what. "Look man, it's just some clown playing around with me. You know how many guys and gals have got it in for me for all the shit I did to them? Remember that Steve Holloway kid? When I filled his locker with dog crap because ... well I can't remember why I did it, but that's just an example. Trust me dude, just someone trying to rile us." A crude map was slanted on the wall next to them, and Chad tapped it with a smile. "Visitor's Cafeteria, see? That's our cookie, let's go man!" [hider=map][center][IMG][/IMG][/center][/hider]