While Chad explained the situation at hand in an effort to ease the rising suspicion, Dean nestled himself against the wall and kept an eye on the group. He wasn't having any of it, just to be safe. This was just a fucked up place in general and being inside where thousands of carcasses had fallen just made his skin crawl. Period. He figured he'd just have to stick with the group in order to keep himself from losing it. After all, even if he were to walk out now- where the hell would he go? Trek on home? Ha. Scanning the room they were in, it was no doubt in as bad a shape as the last one they were in. It reeked of age and must. After Chad was done, John seemed to lighten up- oh how Dean wished that could've worked for him as well. Their eyes were pinned on a map of the hospital, seemingly tracing a possible way to the cafeteria. [i]Oh, god.[/i] Dean groaned as John finally agreed to Chad's shenanigans. "Let's get this party started, shall we?" Dean rubbed his temples as he said that. He figured he'd have to follow along if he wanted to make it out of this alive and sane. Dean himself wasn't sure if that was the right choice, he contemplated as he stood by John's side. --- "You call this a party? We're in a place were multiple people have died, a party is a little disrespectful? I only came because I had nothing to do, but, a party?!" Chel barked. Dean was surprised that finally someone had decided to speak up. He grinned as he anticipated the rest of their reactions. "He's right, guys. This place is in no way a workable condition for a goddamn [i]party.[/i]" Dean finished off.