[b]Fairy - penthouse apartment near Central Park[/b] Momo decided to step out onto the balcony for some fresh air. It was rather chilly since all she was wearing was pink pajamas with butterfly patterns on them, but it was also refreshing. Leaning over the edge of the railing she watched the city and heard some commotion in the distance, which underlined the strange sense of foreboding she'd been having. Suddenly a gust of wind caught her wings and knocked her over the side of the building. With the wings she had at the moment she couldn't fly for longer than a few seconds, but she could glide. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" She closed her eyes tightly as the wind took her where it wanted, twisting and turning and making her dizzy. Flapping her wings and through panicked trial and error she gained a semblance of control over where she was going. And for a moment, it stopped being terrifying. Below she saw a patch a grass called central park. With her altitude steadily dropping, she decided to land on soft grass rather than in the middle of traffic. ------------ [b]Fairy - Central Park - Breakdown[/b] After landing face first onto the grass, Momo's telepathic senses were overwhelmed with the feeling of fear and panic. She immediately knew where it was coming from and ran towards the crumpled bus. She felt the emotions of the people on the bus as if they were her own, she knew she needed to help them despite her own fears. Running over she was somewhat relieved to see a man in a suit helping people out. "Hey! I'll help too!" she informed him as she stepped onto the bus. A frightened little girl huddled in the corner. Momo extended a hand out to her. "Hi there, my name is Momo! We need to get off the bus before it blows up!" Perhaps not the best choice of words on her part. "Are you a fairy?" the girl asked, entranced by Momo's wings. Suddenly she remembered something she saw in an anime once. "Y-yeah! I'm a guardian of love and justice, now lets get off the bus before more bad guys show up." After helping the little girl and the rest of the passengers off the bus along side Breakdown her senses cleared and were no longer bombarded by panic. Then she finally noticed two other metahumans fighting it out. When she looked at Boomstick her heart skipped a beat and she couldn't help but notice how cute~❤ Boomstick was. W-wait she's a girl why would Momo have such thoughts?! It quickly dawned on her that she was in fact feeling Templar's emotions. Arrrrg, it was becoming apparent how annoying her powers are going to be. Behind her a lot of civilians ran off away from the danger. She figured she would too but for some reason she couldn't explain she decided to stick around. Turning to Breakdown she asked "What do we do now? Are you gonna fight those guys?" If he was she didn't think she would be much help.