[b]"You're no princess in need of rescuing, little one," He growled at her, handing her her share of the loot and the meat," Doesn't mean you don't need help on occasion. We fight together, or we die together here in the Wolves. If you can't get that, you will get yourself dead. In most occasions, I would not mourn. But if you get other people killed because you want to do everything yourself, I will kill you myself, and say it was an accident," And with that grumpy advice passed along, he started making his way towards the Ironwolves' camp.[/b] "Hahahahah" Riki laughed nervously, left hand resting on the hilt of her sword. "You wolves sure love your teamwork. Quite the band of merry men you are! I don't want to do 'everything' myself, I just prefer to fight my own fights is all. And really, how are you going to secretly kill me? Especially after you just told me your plan. Do you think my blade that slow? Gods help you if we were to cross swords." The entire time her left hand was completely aware of where her sword was, and was ready to strike if Decado were to try something. "Have you anything else to say? If not then leave me be." After they were done with their bizarre conversation, a worried expression crossed Riki's face. Was this guy serious? Is he gonna ice her? She wasn't afraid of a fight, but this creep might poison her meal or get her in her sleep and make it look like an accident. She needed to tell someone in case of the worse. Too bad she pissed off the team leader. Maybe the guy in the hood? But he didn't seem too keen after that joke she made about him being a vampire. The girl! Yes, Kiena was the only person left who didn't hate her guts! Sometimes she wondered why she was so bad at making friends.