[b]Boomstick - Bus stop, central park apartments, New York - Engaged with: Templar[/b] {Also present are the cool (but not awesome like Boomstick) Breakdown and new girl with butterfly wings} (Vitruvian is there too but Modya has not noticed him yet.) Boomstick was surprised by the arrival of two other metas on the scene who ran to help the people on the bus before she could, which was good because she was a little busy with flyboy Mc crunch bus since she had just personally introduced him to the nearest wall. It was no surprise that a large hunk of a rock came flying at her, he seemed to have super strength like her. It was easy enough to wind up and punch it into small its before it hit her but what caught her by surprise was him flying after it. "Shit-!" was all she got to say before taking a knee to the face, smashing her glasses and knocking her back several feet with him on top of her. She tried her raise her arm to block the blade that followed, reacting too slow she yelled in pain as the sharp edge dug into her shoulder, digging into her flesh several inches before coming to an abrupt stop. "Get off!" she yelled, a powerful aura blasting off her body as she activated her main power. The concrete side walk beneath them cracked from the pressure she exerted while a white glow came off of her entire body, black hair turning white and wispy tendrils flowed form her back in a vague wing shape on her left side. Ignoring the pain in her shoulder she threw another punch, aimed right at his torso with another explosive impact there was no way he could dodge or she could miss with him sitting on top of her.