[b]Templar - New York - Boomstick[/b] As he applied pressure to the handle of his blade, he couldn't help but stare at the girl beneath him. It was unfortunate that she was declared an enemy by K.N.I.G.H.T. because she was even prettier when close. Still, he held his blade firmly through her shoulder, preventing her from using that blasted arm of hers anymore. Templar was informed of Boomstick's abilities before the mission began. They briefed him enough to understand her ability to undergo some sort of 'God Mode' and that he was supposed to take her down before she- "Crap" he said with a blank look as the girl started to rapidly glow. He knew this was what the guards were talking about and that he was supposed to prevent it. But now it was too late. Her hair suddenly changed colors and she became rather - as humans would say - 'bitchy'. Despite her blades massive injury, she fought through the pain and managed to strike him into the heavens - ironic: God mode, god arm, sent to the heavens..........No?.........okay. Anyway, Templar felt as though his chest dented inward as he continued to rise in what seemed to be all directions. He was spinning so damn fast he was getting sick. Fortunately, he didn't puke and managed to stop himself, though he now flew as high as planes. "Blasted girl!" he cursed as he then started to descend at miraculous speed. Due to his overwhelming power, the wind pushing against him did nothing to stop him. Of course, his chest still hurt from the impact, but his near-invulnerability helped him forget about that. Soon enough, he caught sight of his target yet again and crashed into her, unable to stop his descending. He used both his fist to push her into the subway system below their approximate location, crashing into tracks and hard surface. Even he ended up injuring himself as dust surrounded the entire area. Templar coughed as he stood from the impact, looking around to find his sword. "Dammit, where is it?" he questioned. It was a gift from K.N.I.G.H.T., so he feared if he lost it, they might get angry at him. But suddenly his feelings changed as he - for some odd reason - stopped caring. He knew he didn't really need a blade to stop this girl, though she was indeed very strong. "C'mon Boomstick, I know you ain't done yet!" he said aloud. Civilians waiting for the subway running towards the exit, all screaming in fear. "Say partner, I think you got a little sumthin' on your face there" a voice called out from behind Templar. The clone instantly turned as a bullet came crashing into his eye. "AGHH!!" Templar screamed as he put both hands over his face. "There it is, I think you got it" the voice called out again. The southern accent was very clear, and his get up - well, let's just say it was rather dandy. As Templar removed his hands from his face, one of his eyes had turned red. And now, he seemed extremely pissed at that moment. "I'm gonna rip your head off cowboy!!" Templar yelled as he started walking towards the newcomer. "The names Tiger, learn it" he said, firing yet again at Templar's face, this time, shooting his forehead. Unfortunately for Tiger, the bullet did little to hardly any damage as it bounced right off of Templar's head. "So tell me, what can you do?" Templar teased, cracking his knuckles and smiling on his way to Tiger. "Well, for instance, I can-" he started, but ended up being cut off by an incoming hard-hitting fist that nearly destroyed him. Tiger rolled to his right and ran towards the faded dust and sliding into the tracks. He ended up beside a girl with glowing white hair. "Say sweetheart, you with him?" the cowboy asked, fixing the bandanna on his face. He wasn't really freaked out by any of this because he'd seen it over and over on the television. He figured that one day - as a crime fighter - he'd end up fighting one of these metahumans. But right now, he hoped that the girl beside him wouldn't just turn and blast him to his death. Tiger then started shooting his high-tech bullets at Templar, still with no affect. All Templar was doing was blocking his face from being hit, guarding his eyes. "How about you leave now cowboy, before you get hurt! You are not my target!" the clone called out as his voice echoed through the subway system. "And what, leave the damsel in distress to fend for herself? Not happenin'!" "Then you die!" Templar battle-cried as he flew towards them at swift speeds.