As soon as Millie got up from the chair, Deon’s hand instinctively shot out and slapped her ass from behind with a smug look on his face, knowing that she wouldn’t do much about it since he was just ‘playing around.’ He didn’t look too beat up about her refusal to be one of his topless cheerleaders, but he did bring himself to wave his middle finger in the air as she walked farther and farther away from him, extending the invitation to Victor to watch him fight that evening. “Yeah, yeah, fuck you too Mill Billy.” He half-grumbled and half-smirked before lowering his middle finger and reaching for his whiskey bottle once more where he downed the contents until the brand new bottle from an hour ago was now half empty. Deon pushed himself up from his chair once Millie had gone through the door, staggering a bit and walked over to Victor as the kid addressed him, spreading a smile when he called Deon’s competitor a sorry fuck and just shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine man, but I’ll tell you what, the ambulance that’s always parked out in the back…they won’t need it tonight, and it’s not because I’m pulling my punches. Naw, they’ll need an entirely different kind of car when I’m done with em, something more…black…” He snickered and wobbled over to a small safe he kept by his chair. It took him a couple times to put in the correct code, but once he did and the door popped open, he set his half-empty whiskey bottle next to various others half-empty bottles and then shut it again, making sure it locked. It’s not that he didn’t trust the other wolves to keep out of his stash- wait, no…that was [i]exactly[/i] why. Standing back up, he glanced over to where Millie had disappeared to and spotted her once more with Angel by his side. He pursed his lips a bit as the thought of landing them both in bed at the same time crossed his mind, which could be easily read by the look he had on his face. He didn’t care though, he wasn’t exactly trying to hide it anyway. He took a minute to run his fingers through the top patch of hair he had, still trying to get used to the fact that the sides of his head were shaved, but only Angel and Millie would have known what he looked like with a full head of hair. He gingerly ran the tips of two fingers over the scar he wore on the side of his head, closing his eyes for just a minute before opening them and looking at Angel with an entirely different expression this time. He shook his head quickly and headed towards the exit of the warehouse. “I’ll see you pussies later.” He addressed to Victor, Angel and Millie. “But if I ain’t getting no topless cheerleaders, there better be a good consolation prize for when I get back and triple our reserved funds.” He took a split second to give his fellow Wolves a half-assed salute before practically falling out of the door that led outside, immediately getting drenched in the rain as he headed to the underground fighting arena.