[b]Breakdown-Subway underneath Central Park-Templar[/b] This had gone on long enough, and to answer the girl next to him he said "Yes." and jumped down the hole that was created when the man torpedoed towards the girl. As he landed on his feet, Dave noticed that there were now bullets flying. If this was a good or bad thing he didn't know. Disengaging his gloves, Dave balled his fists together and harnessed his destructive powers, which created a humming noise that was barely audible over the fighting and gunfire. Aiming his hands towards the guy causing the most damage Dave released the energy he had been accumulating towards the target. The right beam missed, hitting the subway wall in front of him and causing a large patch to disintegrate. However the left beam hit his target spot on, destroying his clothes and causing his skin to turn red, much like a sunburn. With his presence known Dave yelled above the commotion, "Everybody needs to calm down!" his voice reverberation in the small enclosure.