[b]Boomstick - Sidewalk[/b] [b]Templar - Airborn[/b] Boomstick's arm healed up, the angelic blood instantly healing her body and blocking further damage to her person she mentally started the 5 minute timer in her head as she watched Flyboy do what he did best, fly. He recovered but Boomstick had been watching him this whole time and was ready for when he came crashing down on her at a breakneck speed, her fists ready to meet his there was a window shattering impact as the force of a speeding object met an immovable one. The street gave way first and the two of them collapsed through the ground into the subway below, Boomstick sent tumbling a few feet away from her opponent. [b]Boomstick - Subway Underground - Templar[/b] Standing up she shook her head, trying to clear the ringing from her ears and looking around in all the dust for flyboy, hearing a gunshot she turned her head, seeing what looked like a cowboy facing down flyboy with a revolver. She started forward but noticed her right arm was numb. Looking down she noticed it hung limp at her side, the bone dislocated she grit her teeth, grabbing it with her left hand and forcing it back into the socket by slamming her shoulder into a concrete pillar that was still intact. Fixed up she turned back to the fight, hearing the banter between the two of them as the Cowboy named himself Tiger, getting distracted by flyboy's question he nearly took a solid punch to the face, rolling over beside Boomstick as she got ready to charge in. "Say sweetheart, you with him?" Tiger asked her with what she assumed was a smile between the bandanna he fixed on his face. "He is cute but no I am not, in fact he is tryin' to hit me too!" She flashed him a smile and turned back to the situation at hand. "Oh whoa, hey flyboy's got a rage mode eh?" She teased, pretty pissed herself since he broke her glasses, "C'mon then, two against one!" she yelled back as he charged forward, running up herself to meet half way she stopped three strides in, digging her foot into the concrete stone shattered beneath her as she put every ounce of power behind a well timed overhead punch aimed at the top of flyboy's head, if it hit the massive force of the impact would not just abruptly stop all forward movement but probably put him a mile under ground.