Deserae remained quiet all the while Jake and Ryker and John exchanged words, though none of it really caught her interest until Ryker brought up Fitzy. Still, she kept herself underneath the hood of her car, pulling out piece after piece but paid even closer attention to what Ryker had to say, granted it wasn’t just more ‘bro’ talk that seemed to spread like wildfire around here. God she hated ‘bro’ talk. Cage fights? Did Ryker just say the cage fights? The very same cage fights that she explicitly told the new Asian boy to stay away from? The ones that she had been avoiding going to her three years as a Lost One? THOSE cage fights? Deserae held in a sigh this time, refusing to give Ryker any more ammunition to put her in the spotlight again, but wished she had hit her head on the hood of her car just a little bit harder. She knew there wasn’t going to be any easy way out of this, she wouldn’t outright tell Ryker ‘no’ after all. After hearing Ryker’s plan, however, Deserae eased up a bit. So they weren’t going to necessarily be involved with the fighters, it was just a basic robbery. That…that she could do. She eyed the pistol that was handed over to Cotton, already being able to put together that he had to have been a pretty good shot in order for Ryker to already put his trust into him, and so if Ryker trusted Cotton, then she had no choice but to trust him too. When Ryker finished speaking, she pulled herself away from the car, wiping her greasy hands on her white shirt once more until they were somewhat clean. “Gimme a chance to get cleaned up. I don’t know what kind of distraction you’re using, but I doubt being a female grease monkey would reap any benefits down there.” She said directly to Ryker, all-the-while keeping Cotton in her sights out of the corner of her eye. “Just one question, am I squeezing myself into a dress or not?” Most all the females down in the fighting cages were either topless bimbos looking to score with the fighters or dressed up classy women putting down their own money in an effort to double or even triple it. There might have been four or five girls though that went in specifically to watch the fights like most of the males did, but it wasn’t too common. As much as Deserae hated dressed, however, she would much rather wear one to better ‘blend’ into the crowds than stick out as one of those ‘weird girls’ that went in ‘as-is,’ and opening herself up to conversation.